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Past Events 2005

Past Events 2005:

Skipping in Camp Casey, A film by Chun Pan
Friday,December 9, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall, Room 101,Delmar, NY

Join Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace (BNP) as we examine the community built out of the grassroots pro-peace movement when Cindy Sheehan and thousands of others held a month-long vigil in Crawford,Texas. Cindy Sheehan, the mother of fallen soldier Casey Sheehan, was instrumental in creating the Camp Casey encampment community in front of President Bush’s vacation ranch in Crawford, Texas in August 2005. We will spend the evening watching and discussing a 54-minute documentary about the community that grew out of the Crawford experience. The discussion will be led by BNP and Camp Casey community member Elaine Hills, who ventured to Crawford as a representative of BNP. Contact:439-8262 for further information.

Wal-Mart: High Cost of Low Prices
Robert Greenwald’s new film,”Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Priceso
Thursday, December 1, 2005,7:00 -8:45 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave, Delmar

“Everyone has seen Wal-Mart’s lavish television commercials, but have you ever wondered why Wal-Mart spends so much money trying
to convince you it cares about your family, your community, and even its own employees? What is it hiding? WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes you behind the glitz and into the real lives of workers and their families, business owners and their communities,in an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think,feel… and shop. “
For more information call 439-8863.Please Note: A BNP Business meeting will precede this event. Please join us in the creation of upcoming events and actions. (See event listing above.)

Left Out
The Democratic Party: A Discussion

Sunday,November 20, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall, 445Delaware Avenue, Delmar

Special guests Joshua Frank and Lyn Miller Lachmann will join us for this discussion about the merits of working from within the Democratic Party versus working from without. Joshua Frank is the author of Left Out! How Liberals Helped Reelect George W. Bush (published by Common Courage Press in July, 2005). Lyn Miller-Lachmann is Editor-in-Chief of Multi Cultural Review and the author or editor of reference books, textbooks, and a forthcoming novel, aneco-thriller entitled DIRT CHEAP.). Contact: 439-8262 for further information.

Cardboard Chaos
Cardboard Chaos: “When The Levee Breaks”

Wednesday,November 9, 7:00 PM
(Pot Luck Dinner at 6 PM)
The Sanctuary for Independent Media, 3361 Sixth Ave., Troy
(at101st Street where Sixth Ave. turns into Fifth)

“Once  again Cardboard Chaos hits the road in its annual tour to help shut down the U.S. Army School of
the Americas. This November Cardboard Chaos presents a brand new circus, “When the Levee Breaks.”
The show features Uncle Sam’s Little Global Circus and their provocative mix of circus, puppetry,political satire and original music. “When the Levee Breaks”looks at the catastrophic effects of Hurricane Katrina in the context of race, class, the war in Iraq and the lies of the Bush administration.” Click here to visit the Cardboard Chaos website. This event is sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center and BNP. Click here to visit the Hudson Mohawk Independent Media website and for additional information on the location of the Sanctuary.

Cyrus Tomb
Iran and Syria: A Dialogue

Thursday,November 3, 6:45- 9:00 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar

John Amidon, Diane Reiner and Carole Ferraro were members of the Academics for Peace delegation to Iran and Syria in September2005, and participants in Avoiding the Clash of Civilizations Conference at the University of Tehran. They will speak about their experiences:

-We went to demonstrate that dialogue is essential if we are to avoid conflict with Iran and Syria. We met with government and
university officials,spoke with many people from diverse backgrounds, as well as visited outstanding cultural and historic sites.

-Let us continue the dialogue here at home, and become aware of the dangerous process of misformation, isolation and demonization that has begun by the Bush administration with respect to Iran and Syria as a prelude to regime change.

Worlds Apart
Worlds Apart: 9/11 First Responders Against War

Saturday,October 29, 7:00- 9:00 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall,
445Delaware Avenue, Delmar
Tom Jackson’s documentary, Worlds Apart, explores the work of a group of September 11th first responders called Ground Zero for Peace.This organization was founded by Megan Bartlett, a medic who was one of the emergency first responders to the World Trade Centerson 9/11. This is a documentary about the experience of four 9/11emergency workers who are against the war. Tom Jackson will be available to discuss the film and answer questions. Call 439-8863for further information.

Marx on Soho
MarxIn Soho
Saturday,October 8, 7 PM and Sunday October 9, 1 PM
3361 6th Avenue atThe Sanctuary for Independent Media, 3361 6th Avenue in Troy (at101st, where 6th Avenue turns into 5th Avenue)

,”Marx In Soho”–a play by Howard Zinn starring Jerry Levy, at the Sanctuary for Independent Media, . Suggested donation$10, to benefit the Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. For more information or call (518) 207-6264.Here’s a link to a photo:


Beyond Treason
BNP Movie Night: Beyond Treason
Thursday,October 6, 6:45- 9:00 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar

This89 minute film documents the U.S. government’s long history of experimenting on our Military Troops. What caused Gulf War Illness? This is just one question addressed in this very powerful documentary. Contact: 439-8863 for further information. New members always welcome!

(/24/05 Washington DC
Peace March, Washington D.C.
Saturday,September 24, 2005

Bethlehem Neighbors For Peace marchers in Washington DC, on September 24, at the Bring the Troops Home march and rally against the war in Iraq.Photo by Mary Alice Smith.Click here to view additional pictures taken by Mary Alice Smith,Andy Coates and Jon Flanders.

Cindy Sheehan
Elaine Hills Reports on Camp Casey
Thursday,September 1, 6:45- 9:00 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar

Elaine will share her experiences at Camp Casey with us and talk about the success of Cindy Sheehan and her anti-war message. Call439-8863 for further information.

BNP Pot Luck Summer Picnic
Saturday,August 13, 4 PM – Sunset ( Around 8)

This year’s BNP Picnic will be held at the home of Sondra Sprinkling and Michael Rice. This is, weather permitting, an outdoor event.There is no rain date, and if the picnic is canceled due to the weather, there will be an announcement here. They have a 1/2acre pond so there will be an opportunity to swim, go tubing(bring your own) or walk in the woods. Please bring bathing suits,lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. This will be our long awaited chance to socialize, strategize, organize and have fun! Please bring a dish to share. We will provide plates, cups, cutlery,drinks, ice and watermelon. Join us for some summer fun! Call439-8863 for further information.

Arlington West
ACall To Conscience:
Finding Our Way in A TroubledTime
Friday,August 19, 5:30 – 8:30 PM
Saturday,August 20, 9:00 – 4:00 PM
The National Kateri Tekakawitha Shrine, Route 5, Fonda, NY

Friday:Pot Luck Supper and Colleen Kelly, Blase Bonpane, Bill Quiqley,music by Colleen Katau Saturday: Speakers and workshops.A simple lunch will be included on Saturday. Please pre-register so that lunch can be planned accordingly. Sponsors include Veterans for Peace. For information and tickets call: John Amidon @518-312-6442, Maureen Aumand @ 518-869-6674 or Cathy Callan @518-439-8115.

ACall to Conscience

“Cowardice asks, Is it safe?
Expediency asks, Is it politic?
Vanity asks, Is it popular?
But Conscience asks, Is it right…..”- Alexander Punshon

The Sacred Run
Documentary Film: The Sacred Run

Saturday,August 6, 1:30 PM
Albany Public Library
191 Washington Ave., Albany

The documentary film “The Sacred Run” will be shown and introduced by its producer and film-maker, Andrea Sadler, who was herself a participant in this 4,000 km run through much of Japan culminating in Hiroshima on August 6, 1995. This international event was conceived and organized by American Indian Movement leader Dennis Banks. The discussion will be followed or accompanied by folding paper cranes, a symbol of freedom from nuclear war. (Co-sponsored by Peace Action and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace).

In Plane Site
BNP Movie Night: 911 In Plane Site
Thursday,August 4, 6:45- 9:00 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar

What really happened on September 11, 2001? A discussion will follow this 97 minute movie. To view a clip of the movie:

“Everyone in America should see this video.” –Dick Gregory

Garden Open HouseGarden Open House and Fundraiser for BNP
Sunday,July 17, 4:30- 7:00 PM
29Columbine Drive, Glenmont, NY

Join Judith Fetterley and Perennial Wisdom for a Garden Open House to Benefit Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Tourthe gardens, discover new and interesting plants. Refreshments provided. $10 donation. Proceeds to support the work of BNP: vigils, forums, the Bethlehem High School Peace Award, the Bethlehem Free Press and other work to promote peace and justice.New members always welcome!

Arlington West
Thursday,July 7, 6:45- 9:00 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave, Delmar

A memorial for every soldier killed in Iraq. The film was created by California Veterans for Peace. A discussion will follow this 56 minute movie. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Call439-8863 for further information.

Border WitnessBorder Witness
Saturday,June 4, 7:00- 10:00 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall Auditorium, 445 Delaware Ave, Delmar

Four local high school students who recently traveled to Mexico will speak on what they learned there about free-trade and the environment. A short film, Witness to Truth, by one of the students will be shown. In a coffeehouse setting, there will also be live music by BNP member and folk singer, extraordinaire, Sean Maden. If you have not yet heard him, don’t miss this opportunity to relax with a cup of fair trade coffee and deserts while listening to his music and chatting with your friends and neighbors. Also, included will be a fair-trade fair–fair trade goods for sale. Please come and support our local teenagers who are working for a better world and are the future of our community. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Students for Peace and Survival and the Labor-Religious Coalition..

Whatever it Takes: Class Politics of Romance Novels
and Abu Ghraib
Thursday,June 2, 6:45 – 8:45 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave, Delmar
Teresa L.Ebert teaches at the State University of New York at Albany. Sheis author of Ludic Feminism and After and many essays in scholarly and theory journals. A recent interview with her on the contemporary situation appeared in a collection of interviews with contemporary cultural critics, Dialogues on Cultutal Studies,edited by Shaobo Xie and Fengzhen. Contact: 439-8863 for further information.

Andy and Lori Coates
BNP Monthly Meeting

Monday,May 9, 6:30- 9:00 PM, Bethlehem Town Hall, Rm 101,
445 Delaware Avenue, Delmar
Join us for a presentation by Andy Coates on: “The Future of Healthcare”.  We have invited another local organization, Renewable EnergyAlternatives Project, to join us for Andy’s presentation and a discussion on issues related to peak oil, war and healthcare. We will have a mini-pot luck at 6:30, so please bring a snack toshare. (There are no kitchen facilities at this location.) Call439-8863 for further information.

Nuclear Non-ProliferationAre We On The Road To Nuclear War?
Thursday,May 5, 6:45- 8:45 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave, Delmar

Larry Wittner, Professor of History at SUNY Albany and author of Toward Nuclear Abolition,will discuss the reviving nuclear arms race and the prospects fornuclear war. Contact: 439-1968 for further information.

May 1 NYC PEACE RallySunday,May 1, 2005
March and Rally to Demand Global Disarmament Now!

We arrived in NYC with two buses and a variety of activists and peace marchers. As we marched past the UN, the sun came out and we converged on Central Park early in the afternoon. Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace was represented in several sections of this Peace sign.

Veteran Speaks Out Against Brutality in Iraq
Jimmy Massey, a founding member of Iraq Veterans Against the War
Tuesday,March 8, 7:00 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware Avenue,Delmar

Jimmy Massey was a platoon sergeant in 7th Marines during the 2003invasion of Iraq. After witnessing the brutality of the US military’s retaliation against the growing resistance of the Iraqi people, Massey transformed his view of the Iraq occupation  and began to speak out against the war while he was still in Iraq.Labeled as a conscientious objector by his commanders, Massey sought legal counsel and won an honorable discharge in December2003. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Students for Peace and Survival at Bethlehem High School, and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.

Rock for PeaceRock for Peace
Saturday,Feb. 12, 6 -10 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall

BNP and Students for Peace and Survival present Rock for Peace, with a number of local bands. Great fun for teens and everyone else too!

Electronic Voting Machine ChallengesThe Challenge of Electronic Voting Machines: A Presentation by Bo Lipari
Thursday,February 3, 6:45-8:45 p.m.
Bethlehem Public Library
451Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

Does your vote count? How do electronic voting machines work? How do they affect our democracy? What method of voting will be used in future elections in New York State? This non-partisan presentation will provide information about touch screen voting machines (DREs)and their implications for our elections. Bo Lipari has been a professional software engineer for 20 years. He is the director of New Yorkers for Verifiable Voting (,a citizens group working for fair, safe, and verifiable standards for voting systems and elections. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. For more info: email [email protected].See a related article from the Ithaca Times