Past Events2006:
4th Annual Crossgates Mall T-Shirt Walk
Thursday, December 21
5:00 PM meet at Bricklayers (media invited)
6:00PM meet at the Food Court in Crossgates Mall
Enter through any entrance and converge at the food court at 6:00 PM. Please car pool where possible. We will meet at the Bricklayers Hall behind the Westmere Fire Department, off Rt. 20, near the mall at 5 PM (media invited)and we will proceed to the mall and gather at the food court at 6PM to sing like we did last year. …WEAR YOUR PEACE TEE SHIRTS…..Please join us for this event. Let’s stroll through the mall.We will sing holiday carols ( popular songs provided by the Raging Grannies) and share our hopes for peace with the holiday shoppers at Crossgates! This annual event is listed by Wikipedia: “At the dawn of the Iraq War in March 2003, the mall (Crossgates)became the center of a free speech controversy when Selkirk resident Stephen Downs was arrested refusing to take off an anti-war t-shirt that he had purchased in the mall. After many objections, the mall dropped the charges. Shortly thereafter, a large protest was held at the mall where many people came wearing anti-war attire.” More Information at: 518 781-0071Co-sponsored by Peace Action and Woman Against War.
Democracy in Action: Where do we go from here?Sunday, December10, 4:30 – 7:00 PM Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY
Join us for an open mike discussion about the future of our country. Now that the elections are over, where do we go from here? Possible topics for discussion: War in Iraq ; Potential for more war: Iran , Syriaetc.; Healthcare crisis: 45 million uninsured Americans; Global Warming; Peak Oil; Jobs and Education. Let’s share our ideas and discuss the issues that matter to each of us! Short poems and songs are welcome additions to this event.
Take a break from the hectic holiday pace and join us. Refreshments will be available and the BNP store will be open for your holiday shopping. Mo Hannah and Joe Lombardo will sing a song or two to help remind us of the importance of solidarity and hope, as we work together to promote peace and justice for all. Call 439-1968for further information.
BNP Film: The Ground Truth Thursday,December 7, 6:30 – 8:30 PM Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave, Delmar
Join Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace for a special showing of The Ground Truth, a moving 72-minute documentary that features the personal stories of several Iraq War veterans and shows us the human costsof war. Following the film, we will be joined by very special guest and Iraq Veterans Against the War member John Mallantz ofPittsburgh. John was a Combat Medic with the 4th Infantry Divisionin Iraq and for his service was awarded 4 Army AchievementCitations, 1 Army Commendation, 1 Combat Medic Badge, and 1 GlobalWar on Terrorism Medal. John turned down the Purple Heart, eventhough he was eligible for it many times over because he was hitby numerous roadside bombs while conducting operations in Iraq. Asis the case for many soldiers returning from Iraq, John iscategorized as 90% disabled owing to his post-traumatic stressdisorder (PTSD) and physical ailments suffered as a result of hisservice. To say the least, the effects of the Iraq war live on forJohn, and for his family. This holiday season, BNP is proud to’adopt’ John’s family, helping give them a happier holidayseason with much-needed assistance from the BNP family. Don’tmiss this special opportunity to meet John and hear his storyfirst-hand. Call 439-8262 for more information.
Film:Bought and Sold Sunday,November 26, 2:00 – 4:00 PM Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave, Delmar
Do you trust political partiesand government to protect your vote? Do you know about thereliability of the voting machines being marketed in NYS? This45-minute film produced in 2006 by Robert Millman explores how theselection of new voting equipment required under the Help AmericaVote Act (HAVA) has been skewed in favor of DREs (direct recordingelectronic voting machines), in spite of serious unansweredquestions about the danger of vote tampering and verifiablevoting. Come, get the information you need and then contact thecounty and state officials who will be deciding soon how voteswill be counted and verified in our state. The screening will befollowed by a question and answer period with Robert Millman, FilmProducer; Aimee Allaud, League of Women Voters of Albany County;and Dennis Karius of ARISE. For information, Contact: AimeeAllaud, League of Women Voters, 482-2617, Ann Brandon, BethlehemNeighbors for Peace, 439-4332, Dennis Karius, ARISE, 456-5721 It’syour vote – don’t miss it.
BNPCookbook Pot Luck Celebration Sunday,November 19, 5:00 – 7:30 PM TheCommons at Adams Station, Juniper Drive, Delmar
Bethlehem Neighbors For Peace ispleased to announce the publishing of their first cookbook. Pleasejoin us in a POT LUCK supper, celebrating and acknowledging allour participants.The location will be: The Commons at AdamsStation, Juniper Drive , Delmar. This is our chance to sample eachother’s cookbook recipes. If possible, please bring your cookbookrecipe submission. Otherwise, a maindish, dessert or salad toshare is fine. Your own place setting would be helpful. Recipesfor 2nd edition will be welcome. We are selling fast. Paidpre-orders may be picked up on this day.You may pre-ordercookbooks by sending a check for $14 each, made payable to BNP,to:
Leslie Hudson, 125 LaGrange Lane , Feura Bush , N.Y.12067 .
Partial proceeds are to be donated to The CapitalDistrict Food Pantries.
Film:“The Power of Community – How Cuba Survived Peak Oil.”Monday, November13 ,Potluck Supper at 5:30 PM. Film at 7 PM The Sanctuary for IndependentMedia, 3361 6th Avenue in Troy (at 101st, where 6th Avenue turnsinto 5th Avenue)
The documentary became an inspiration to Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy when they took a tripto Cuba through Global Exchange in August 2003. That year Pat hadbegun studying and speaking about worldwide peak oil production.When they learned that Cuba underwent the loss of over ½ of itsoil imports and survived, after the fall of the Soviet Union in1990, they went to Cuba to see how they did it. They found whatCubans call “The Special Period.” The documentary describesthe Cuban process. The event is co-sponsored by Hudson-MohawkCommunity Renewable Energy (CoRE) Project, Bethlehem Neighbors forPeace, Honest Weight Food coop and Capital District Energy Action.
The Wheels of Justice Tour with Bob Watada Wednesday,November 8, 6:30 pm. First Unitarian Society of Schenectady , 1221Wendell Ave, Schenectady
The Senior Youth Group at theSchenectady Unitarian Society invites you to attend an eveningwith the Wheels of Justice Tour and Bob Watada. First launched byKathy Kelly’s Voices in the Wilderness, the WOJ brings eyewitnessaccounts to occupation in Iraq and Palestine . The colorfulbiodiesel bus traveled to hundreds of cities and thousands ofvenues over the past three years. They will be visiting local highschools and colleges November 8,9, and 10 in an effort to reachout to young people trying to understand war and occupation.
BNPFilm: An Inconvenient Truth Thursday,November 2, 6:30 – 8:30 PM BethlehemPublic Library, 451 Delaware Ave, Delmar
Join us for this compelling filmthat is a must see for anyone interested in saving ourplanet . A discussion will follow. Here are some questions that wewill consider: Why isn’t our government doing more to make thepublic more aware of Global Warming? How will global warmingaffect the lives of Americans in the next 10 – 20 years? How longdo we have before the climate change becomes irreversible? Asidefrom changing my own house and lifestyle, what else can I do? Theevidence for a coming global catastrophe is so obvious andcompelling–but MOST people still don’t get/believe/understand it.How can we put this information in front of enough people toeffect real change? In what format/media/method? Call 391-2830 formore information.
Sanctuaryfor Independent Media: ProfessorMansour Farhang: Iran Nuclear Program and U.S -Iranian RelationsWednesday, October 11, Reception(Iranian food) 6:00 p.m.; Talk 7:00 p.m. The Sanctuary forIndependent Media, 3361 6th Avenue in Troy (at 101st, where 6thAvenue turns into 5th Avenue)
The IranWorking Group of Upper Hudson Peace Action will host Prof. MansourFarhang. There will also be an Iranian meal and cultural display.Prof. Farhang is an Iranian-born author and former diplomat whoserved as reolutionary Iran’s first ambassador to the UN after thefall of the Shah and before Khomenie. He now teaches internationalrelations and Middle Eastern politics at Bennington College,Vermont.Mansour Farhang is Catharine Osgood Foster Chair forDistinguished Teaching, Professor of Political Science, BenningtonCollege. He served as revolutionary Iran’s first ambassador to theUnited Nations, resigning in protest when the Khomeini regimerefused to accept the U.N. Commission of Inquiry’s recommendationto release American hostages in Teheran. Early in the Iran-Iraqwar, he served as envoy in negotiations with international peacemissions. Currently, he is on the advisory board of Middle EastWatch, a branch of Human Rights Watch. He is the author of U.S.Imperialism: From the Spanish-American War to the IranianRevolution; and, with William Dorman, The U.S. Press and Iran:Foreign Policy and the Journalism of Deference. His opinion pieceshave appeared in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, TheWashington Post, and The Christian Science Monitor. Farhang haslectured at universities and colleges across the country includingGeorgetown, Stanford, Middlebury College, New York University, andThe University of Texas at Austin. As one of the most sought afterexperts on the Middle East, he has appeared as a guest on numerousnational and international radio and television programs, andserves as a regular commentator on both the BBC and Radio FranceInternational. Presented by the Iran Working Group of Upper HudsonPeace Action. Co-sponsors: Troy Peace Action, Women Against War,Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, and Saratoga Peace Alliance. Moreinformation on the Sanctuaryfor Independent Media . Download the eventpublicity flyer.
BNPFilm: Iraq for Sale Sunday,October 8, 4:30 – 7:00 PMBethlehem Town Hall
445 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY
This 75 minute film will befollowed by a discussion. “Acclaimed director RobertGreenwald (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, andUncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers,widows and children who have been changed forever as a result ofprofiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncoversthe connections between private corporations making a killing inIraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.” Call439-8863 for more information.
HollyNear Concert: Show Up For Peace Friday,October 6, 8:00 PM Saint Joseph Hall at the College of St Rose
985Madison Street, Albany
In our name, the U.S. governmentillegally invaded and continues to occupy Iraq, reaping death anddestruction. Our government is violating international humanrights law and abandoning the road to peace in the Middle East.Thousands of soldiers have died. And tens of thousands ofcivilians–including thousands of women, children, and elders. Wehave spoken our resistance to these wars, occupations and toillegal detentions. We will show up at the polls on election dayon November 7 and vote for peace.
This concert is brought toyou by: The Eighth Step, Women Against War, Bethlehem Neighborsfor Peace, New York State NOW. Tickets available:
Book Houseof Stuyvesant Plaza, Albany; Honest Weight Food Coop, Albany; TheOpen Door, Schenectady; Market Block Books, Troy; The GreenGrocer,Clifton Park; Celtic Treasures, Clifton Park. Tickets are $20.
BatteredMothers Child Custody Awareness Event Thursday, October 5,6:30 PM- 8:30 PM Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave,Delmar
This nationwide event springsfrom the vision and activism of many people and organizationsconcerned with the re-victimization of battered mothers as theytry to gain safety and protection for themselves and theirchildren from our nation’s family court system. The eventco-coordinators include:
The Battered Mothers CustodyConference, Stop Family Violence, NOW NYS, Michigan NOW /NationalFamily Court Watch Project, Protective Parents Assn, GarlandWaller (Producer, Small Justice), Dominique Lasseur (Producer,Breaking the Silence: Children’s Stories), & Men ActivelySeeking to End Violence
In the Albany are there will be2 events, one is co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.The other will be held at Siena college. A combination of 2documentaries on this issue will be shown and the event will seekto link the issues of domestic violence and peace. For moreinformation call 518-210-2487
Sanctuaryfor Independent Media: My Country, My Country Tuesday,October 3, 7:00 PM The Sanctuary for Independent Media, 3361 6thAvenue in Troy (at 101st, where 6th Avenue turns into 5th Avenue)
Workingalone in Iraq over eight months, filmmaker Laura Poitras createsan extraordinarily intimate portrait of Iraqis living under U.S.occupation. Her principal focus is Dr. Riyadh, an Iraqi medicaldoctor, father of six and Sunni political candidate. An outspokencritic of the occupation, he is equally passionate about the needto establish democracy in Iraq, arguing that Sunni participationin the January 2005 elections is essential. Yet all around him,Dr. Riyadh sees only chaos, as his waiting room fills each daywith patients suffering the physical and mental effects ofever-increasing violence. Poitras gained remarkable access to theSunni community, U.S. military and the U.N., resulting in “MyCountry, My Country,” a powerful mosaic of daily life in Iraqnot seen in the mainstream media. More information on theSanctuaryfor Independent Media
TheSolidarity Committee’s film series: Sir! No Sir!Saturday, September 30,7:00 PM Bricklayers’ Local Union Hall
302 Centre Drive,Albany
This new, powerful documentary(84 minutes) discloses the long-suppressed history of the GImovement to end the war in Vietnam. Based on the stories of U.S.soldiers and never-before-seen archival material, “Sir! No Sir!”reveals the GI movement’s explosion of defiance against thatbloody conflict, as well as the movement’s profound impact onthe military and on the war itself. This film showing isco-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Upper Hudson PeaceAction, and the Tom Paine Chapter of Veterans for Peace. The filmscreening will occur at the Bricklayers’ Local 2 Union Hall (302Centre Drive). Directions: Starting at the intersection of WesternAvenue (Route 20) and I-87 (the Northway), go west on WesternAvenue for 9/10 of a mile. Pass the 20 Metro Diner and theWestmere Firehouse (both on your right). IMMEDIATELY after thefirehouse, turn right on Centre Drive and go 1/10 of a mile to theBricklayers’ Hall. Admission is free. Refreshments will beserved. Everyone is welcome toattend.
Sir!No Sir! Thursday,September 21, 7:00 PM The Sanctuary for Independent Media, 33616th Avenue in Troy (at 101st, where 6th Avenue turns into 5thAvenue)
This new,powerful documentary (84 minutes) discloses the long-suppressedhistory of the GI movement to end the war in Vietnam. Based on thestories of U.S. soldiers and never-before-seen archival material,”Sir! No Sir!” reveals the GI movement’s explosion ofdefiance against that bloody conflict, as well as the movement’sprofound impact on the military and on the war itself. Moreinformation on the Sanctuaryfor Independent Media .
BNPFilm Night: WHY WE FIGHTThursday,September 7, 6:30 PM- 8:30 PM Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar
This 99 minute filmexplores the motivations for war. Imperialism, patriotism,militarism, and corruption are all reasons for war that areexplored in this powerful documentary. Dwight Eisenhower warned usabout the dangers of the “military-industrial complex”.Today we see the results of how the entanglement of politics andbusiness interests in war is driving us to a very uncertainfuture. Join us for this film and the discussion that will follow.For more information 439-8863.
TheConvergence of Hope and History, Sustainable Solutions For APeaceful World Friday,August 18, 5:30 -9:00 PM Saturday,August 19, 8:30 – 4:30 PM The National Kateri Tekakawitha Shrine,Route 5, Fonda, NY
The 8thannual peace conference will feature Jim Merkel and Jim Jennings.Jim Merkel is the author of Radical Simplicity and is theSustainability Coordinator at Dartmouth College. Jim Jennings isthe Founder and President of Conscience International, ahumanitarian aid and human rights organization and a frequentpolitical commentator for human rights on CNN, Fox and other TVand radio networks. The Friday evening program will also featureAnthony Aversano who is a local member of Families of 911,Peaceful Tomorrows.
We are reaching out, working tobring together both political and ecological activists, hoping toencourage responsible citizen action on many different levels. Weneed to soften our footprints on our lovely planet earth. We needalso to soften our government’s footprint on planet earth andhence need to interact politically to humanize government policy.Maureen Auman @ 518-869-6674, Cathy Callan @ 518-439-8115 or DaveSmalley @ 518-922-5204 can provide complete information andtickets. Pre-registration is deeply appreciated to help facilitateplanning for lunch and the days logistics. Prices are low andscholarships are available. Kindly pass this along to your friendsand neighbors and please plan on attending. Friday evening: freewill donation. Saturday: Students and Seniors – $10.00 Adults -sliding scale $15.00 – $40.00. Downloada listing of Workshops that will be offered on August 19.
BNPAnnual Summer Pot Luck PicnicSunday, August13, 3:00 PM- Dusk Bethlehem Town Park, Pavilion A, 261 Elm Avenue,Delmar
This will be our long awaited chanceto socialize, strategize, organize and have fun! Please bring foodto share. BNP will provide plates and utensils.Wine and beer areacceptable. Bring musical instruments to make music, good stories,games etc., and lawn chairs or blankets. A card table or two wouldbe useful. Contact: [email protected] for further information or tovolunteer to work on set-up or clean-up.
Please help us fill the BNPRecipes for Peace cookbook.! When you come to the picnic, pleasebring a copy of one or more of your favorite recipes to wet ourappetites and encourage our culinary skills. All categories ourwelcome.If you cannot attend the potluck, please email yourrecipes to Leslie Hudson, at [email protected]. Thanks.
Readingof John Hersey’s “Hiroshima”
Sunday, August 6,2006, 5:30 PM
Washington Park (Near the entrance at NewScotland and Madison)
Come any time you can between 5:30 pmand 9:00 pm
Wewill also pass out leaflets and end with a candlelight vigil. OnAugust 6, 1945 the United States of America used the atomic bombfor the first time on the city of Hiroshima, Japan, destroying thecity; on August 9, the United States used the atomic bomb again onNagasaki, Japan. Over 200,000 people died immediately in the twobombings and over a hundred thousand more died in the followingdecades as a result of the effects of the radiation.
To remember those bombings andto commemorate the victims, local citizens will be gathering toread John Hersey’s Hiroshima. The public reading will take placeon Sunday, August 6, 2006, in Washington Park, Albany, NY, nearthe entrance at New Scotland Ave. and Madison Ave., starting at5:30 PM and continuing until the reading of the book is completed(about 9:00 PM). Seating will be on the grass, folding chairs orblankets are suggested. The event is free and open to the public.Those interested in reading can sign up to participate when theyarrive, or by calling Dan Wilcox, 482-0262, [email protected].
Hiroshima was first published inthe New Yorker in 1946; it tells the story of the bombing onAugust 6, 1945 by following the story of six of the survivors. Thebook version has been in print since 1946.
“No More Hiroshimas”
Co-sponsored by Upper HudsonPeace Action
CommunityDiscussion on the Crisis in Lebanon and the Gaza StripWednesday, August 2, 7:00 – 10:00 PM First UnitarianUniversalist Society of Albany, 405 Washington Avenue
Witheach day that goes by, more innocent civilians are dying inLebanon, Israel and the Gaza Strip. Bombings and blockades
arelimiting food, water, medical supplies and freedom of movement. Atragic humanitarian crisis is rapidly developing. Join with
otherconcerned citizens to find out more about what’s going on. Learnwhat you can do to call for an unconditional cease-fire anda
negotiated peace. Please join this community forum foraction with presentations on the background of conflict in theMiddle East followed by an open strategy session. Sponsored by thePalestinian Rights Committee, the First Unitarian UniversalistSociety of Albany Social Responsibilities Council and BethlehemNeighbors for Peace. For more information contact the PRC [email protected]
BNPFilm Night: Loose ChangeThursday,August 3, 6:00 PM- 8:30 PM Bethlehem Public Library, 451 DelawareAve, Delmar
Filmmakers Korey Rowe, Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas will be joining usfor the film and the discussion that will follow.”LooseChange 2nd Edition” is the follow-up to the most provocative9-11 documentary on the market today. “This film shows directconnection between the attacks of September 11, 2001 and theUnited States government. Evidence is derived from news footage,scientific fact, and most important, Americans who sufferedthrough that tragic day.” Check back for furtherinformation.Joinus for the film and the discussion that will follow. Contact439-8863 for further information. Downloadthe publicity flyer.
CapitalRegion Picnic for Peace….
Sunday,July 30, 9:00 AM -Dusk
Grafton State Park, Grafton, NY
Joinother Capital Region peace and justice activists in a day ofrelaxation, food and fun. We have reserved the Rabbit Run Pavilionfor the day. Bring food and beverages to share and please labelfood to indicate whether it is vegetarian or not. NEPAJAC willprovide plates, cutlery , cups, ice and some beverages. This is a”carry in, carry out” so if folks can bring containersthat they can take home and wash rather than anything disposableit would be environmentally friendly and clean up will be a loteasier. Bring your own wine or beer ( and plan to take home thecontainers). Bring music, live if possible. Sound system will beavailable after 12. Entertainment will include the Solidaritysingers. There will also be an open mike so bring poetry,announcements and stories to tell. Activities include: children’splayground, row boats,canoes, kayaks, volley ball, horse shoes,hiking trails, and a beach for swimming. Parking is $7 per car.Please car pool wherever possible. Plan to arrive by 10 AM if itis a beautiful day because Grafton allows a limited number of carsin the park at a time and if the parking areas are full, then carshave to wait to get in. Come early and stay for the day! RSVP ifpossible to Wendy at 518 781 0071 , Trudy at: [email protected] orJoe at 518 439 1968. If you are willing to go early for set up orstay till the end for clean up, please let us know and thanks.Sponsored by North East Peace and Justice Action Coalition(NEPAJAC) , BNP, Solidarity Committee, Peace Action, Veterans forPeace and other regional peace and justice organizations.Directions to GraftonState Park.
BNPFilm Night: THE BIG BUY Tom Delay’s Stolen CongressThursday, July 6,6:45 – 8:45 PM Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave,Delmar
RobertGreenwald’s new film,THE BIG BUY Tom Delay’s Stolen Congress(2006) “The Big Buy is a feature length documentary thatconnects the dots between big money and big government. It’s not apretty picture.” Tom Delay quote: “By the time we finishthis poker game, there may not be a federal government left! Whichwould suit me just fine.” -Tom DeLay, 1994. Join us for thefilm and the discussion that will follow. Contact 439-8863 forfurther information.
EyesWide Open: New YorkFriday,June 23, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
West Capitol Park, Albany, NY(Rain Location: Albany Public Library, 161 Washington Ave.)
“Anexhibit that speaks directly to our hearts and reminds us of thehuman cost of war.“This widely acclaimed memorial honors the casualties of the war inIraq. On display are 117 pairs of empty combat boots, tagged withthe names of New York soldiers who have died in the Iraq War and50 pairs of shoes to represent the thousands of Iraqi civilianswho have died during the conflict. Special events throughout theday: Poetry Reading, Reading of the Names of the Dead, Music andInspriational Speakers. Free and open to the public. Organized byWomen Against War, Albany Friends Meeting and Bethlehem Neighborsfor Peace. To volunteer, call Judy at 475-1773. or email:[email protected] DownloadPublicity flyer.
“MardiGras: Made in China” Tuesday , June 6, 7:00 PM The Sanctuaryfor Independent Media, 3361 6th Avenue in Troy (at 101st, where6th Avenue turns into 5th Avenue)
Thedirector of the new documentary “Mardi Gras: Made In China”will be presenting his film and answering audience questions. Theaward-winning documentary follows the path of Mardi Gras beadsfrom the naked streets of New Orleans during Carnival, whererevelers party 24/7, to the disciplined factories in Fuzhou,China, where teenage laborers live and thread beads 24/7. Toldwith humor and curiosity, “Mardi Gras: Made in China”provides a global connection by introducing workers and revelersto each other through a disposable commodity: Mardi Gras beads.
Contact: 439-8863 for further information.Sanctuaryfor Independent Media
Thursday,June 8, NOON, and the program will be repeated at 7:00 pm
AlbanyPublic Library, 161 Washington Avenue, Albany
Alittle heralded takeover of municipal water supplies by privatecorporations is insidiously making its way across this country. Itis no longer a third world problem. This will be the subject of atalk and discussion by Ruth Caplan who is the National CampaignCoordinator of the Alliance for Democracy’s Defending Water forLife Campaign. Co-sponsored by Alliance for Democracy, BethlehemNeghbors for Peace, Hunger Action Network and Save the Pinebush.Call 439-8863 for more information.
“TheDreams of Sparrows”Thursday , June1, 6:30 PM Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave,Delmar
AnthonyAversano, a member of Peaceful Tomorrows, will introduce this filmand discuss the work of Peaceful Tomorrows with us. This is apowerful film, revealing the real cost of war to the Iraqi people.
“Through the eyes of Iraqis, in TheDreams of Sparrows,we can finally divine what emerges from the war’s digestivetract…From Baghdad’s necropolis of slums and nightmarish refugeecamps we travel with Daffar to its middle-class apartments,artists’ hangouts, mosques and the headquarters of the CommunistParty. This is a city of armed men and of stylish women nervouslychain-smoking in their apartments; a city where children studyingin a private school hold up crayon drawings and say, “Herethe tank is aiming at the helicopter, and they exchange shells androckets.” – Tom Bissel, The New York Times Magazine.
AboutPeaceful Tomorrows
Peaceful Tomorrows is an organizationfounded by family members of those killed on September 11th whohave united to turn their grief into actions for peace. Bydeveloping and advocating non-violent options and actions inpursuit of justice, they hope to break the cycle of violenceengendered by war and terrorism. Acknowledging their commonexperience with all people affected by violence throughout theworld, they work to create a safer and more peaceful world foreveryone.PeacefulTomorrows
ProtestGeorge Bush At West PointSaturday,May 27,8:00 AM (Bus leaving Albany at 6:00 AM) High Falls, NewYork (West Point)
Joinwith us to protest the appearance of George W. Bush at thecommencement of the graduating class at the US Military Academy(USMA) at West Point on May 27, 2006. Send Bush and the media themessage that the DECEIT and LIES that led us to the War on IRAQare known and rejected by the public. . Missie Comley Beattie andElaine Brower of Gold Star Families and Shirley Young of MilitaryFamilies Speak Out are among the featured speakers. Registerfor the bus now!
Tentative agenda: Assemble inHighland Falls, NY. (Near West Point – US Military Academy)Veterans Park: 7:30- 8:00 AM. March to USMA Main Gates: 8:30 AM.Veterans Park Rally: 10:00 AM
GettingOrganized to Have Local Foods in Your School Next Fall
Saturday,May 20, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 DelawareAvenue, Delmar, NY
TheRegional Farm & Food Project is presenting this workshop toteach parents, students, faculty, staff, food service directors,farmers and food distributors on how to build supply and demandfor local foods in our K-12 schools. Participants will learn howthe school food systems works, the role of food service directorsand food distributors, and the supporting resources available fromthe state. For more information contact Billie Best at518-271-0744 or [email protected]. Co-Sponsored by BethlehemNeighbors for Peace, Community for Renewable Energy & Honest
Weight Food Coop. Download publicityflyer in PDF format.
“TheGreat and General Interests of Peace”-Julia Ward Howe…Saturday,May 13th 2:00 – the corner of State and Willett Streets, at the annual TulipFestival, Washington Park,Albany Bring your vigiling signs. Wewill walk through the crowd distributing the Mother’s DayProclamation by Julia Ward Howe and other flyers. Co-sponsored byNEPAJAC and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. See Womenagainst War (Code Pink) event also at the Pinksterfest,beginning at 12:45 PM.
Al-Maidah:The Table Spread with Food
Sunday, May 7, 2:30- 5:00 PM
Islamic Center of the Capital District, 21 NorthLansing Road, Colonie, New York
ATTENTION WOMEN: Never doubtthat a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can changethe world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. MargaretMeade
On SundayWomen Against War, Bethlehem Neighbors For Peace and WAFA (Womens’Muslim Group) will break bread together as an expression ofcommunity. Please join us as we bring a favorite vegetarian dishto share with one another. Bring a copy of your recipe so we mayput a cookbook together. Building community. Questions? ContactLori Coates
ALBANYMARCH FOR PEACE, JUSTICE & DEMOCRACY Friday, April 28, 20064:00 PM. Gather at Townsend Park, Albany
March to theFederal Building at 4:30 PM
Openmike at the Federal Building! Unite for change -Let’s turn ourcountry around! Too much is too wrong in this country.We have aforeign policy that is foreign to our core values, and domesticpolicies wreaking havoc at home. The times are urgent and we mustact. Call 439-1968 for further information. Publicityflyer in PDF format.
Nomore never-ending oil wars!, Protect our civil liberties andimmigrant rights.
Endillegal spying, government corruption and the subversion of ourdemocracy.
Rebuildour communities, starting with the Gulf Coast.
Stopcorporate subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy while ignoringour basic needs.
Act now to reverse theclimate crisis and end the war on nature
Saturday,April 29, 6:30 AM – 8:30 PM
Departure from: Eagle StreetGarage, Albany (Madison Ave. between Eagle and Philip)
Buses will be leaving at 7:00 AMon Saturday, April 29. (Please arrive by 6:30 AM.)The buses willarrive in NYC before 11 AM. The return buses will leave NYC at 5PM and arrive back in Albany about 8:30 PM Saturday evening. 4Buses Now Full. No seats available. Call Joe at 439-1968 forcar pool information. For updates on the bus information, go or for the most currentinformation. Note: For more information about a bus stopping atthe Catskill Thruway exit, call Wendy at: (518)781- 0071.
Therewill be a meeting place for Capital District people who would liketo meet up with others from the Capital Region at the the U.S.Labor Against the War Rally on 19th Street, between Broadway &Park Avenue South. (The only entry is on the Park Avenue Southside, as Broadway will be blocked off for the antiwar marchroute.) Meet between 10:30 AM and Noon.
Sunday,April 30, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
St. Patrick’s/Holy FamilyChurch, 282 Quail St., Albany
Thisfree program will include flamenco guitarist Maria Zementauski, abilingual storyteller, and dancing.
RenownedLabor Organizer from Bolivia and a representative from theVenezuela Consulate to be among speakers at Capital District MayDay 2006 celebrations!
Monday,May 1, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
BushMemorial Hall on the campus of Russell Sage College, Troy,NY
Speakersinclude: Claudia Lopez of the Cochabamba, Bolivia chapter of theFederation of Factory Workers of Bolivia. As a member of theFederation, Claudia played a key role in the “Water War of 2000″which reversed the privatization of water in Cochabamba by unitingpeasants, environmentalists, teachers and blue and white-collarworkers in the fight against the granting of control of the publicwater supply system to global giant Bechtel Corporation. SusanGauss, Assistant Professor of History and Latin American andCaribbean Studies, University at Albany. Professor Gauss is anexpert on the political and social origins of rising industrialismin post-revolutionary Mexico and issues of gender, class, andviolence in the Mexican textile industry. William Camacaro fromthe Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Consulate office in New YorkCity. A representative from the Immigrant Rightsmovement.
Sponsored by The Hudson-Mohawk May DayCommittee with members from the Troy Area Labor Council,Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, Eighth Step, NewYork Labor History Association, the Labor Council for LatinAmerican Advancement, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, and others.
For more information about the May Day 2006Celebration contact Dan Wilcox, 518-482-0262, email:[email protected]; or Art Fleischner, 438-4206 ext. 202.
Fromthe Front Lines of Iraq
Sunday,April 23, 4:30 – 7:00 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 DelawareAvenue, Delmar, NY
Join usfor an evening with Jimmy Massey, author of Kill! Kill! Kill!, andfounding member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. Jimmy will sharewith us some of his experiences as a platoon sergeant in the 7thMarines during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. A 12-year Marine andformer recruiter, Massey transformed his view of the Iraqoccupation and began to speak out against the war while he wasstill in Iraq, after witnessing the brutal treatment and killingof innocent Iraqi civilians by the US military. Labeled as aconscientious objector by his commanding officers, Massey soughtlegal counsel and won an honorable discharge in December 2003.Massey is now speaking publicly around the world about hisexperiences. He has been an invited guest to peace conferenceswith international leaders as well as a member of the southern legof this past fall’s Bring Them Home Now Tour. We are delightedto welcome him to the Capitol District. For more informationcontact 518.439.8262. Download the publicityflyer in PDF format .
Thursday,April 20, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 DelawareAve, Room 107, Delmar NY
North East Peace and JusticeAction Coalition Planning Meeting. Please join regional Peace andJustice groups in working together to create
new actions andcoordinating our efforts. Call Joe at 439-1968 for furtherinformation.
BNPDiscussion Group
Monday,April 10, 6:00 – 8:30 PM
Perfect Blend, Delmar, NY
Ourgatherings here are are always lively and interesting, with manygood ideas discussed among neighbors and friends. NOTE: Ifpossible, please make a purchase when you arrive and be sure totell the person at the counter that you are with BNP. (We now havea minimum order that we must meet in order to reserve the backroom. ) Contact: 439-8262 for further information. Newmembers always welcome!
Stateof Fear
Saturday, April 8, 7:00 PM
Bethlehem TownHall, 445 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY
MeetAcademy Award winner Pamela Yates and producer Paco Onis in personat Bethlehem Town Hall. See their most recent film Stateof Fear.This film has won the Amnesty International Film Festival Award,Chicago International Documentary Award and the Council onFoundations Award. The film is currently showing in a number ofdifferent countries and within the U.S. and receiving ravereviews. The special event will be co-sponsored by the SolidarityCommittee of the Capital District and Students for Peace andSurvival, Bethlehem Central High School Amnesty International.Refreshments available. Doors open at 6:30, come early and getgood seats–don’t miss this very special evening. Seethe trailer for this film.
Documentary:”What Democracy Looks Like”
Thursday,April 6, 6:45 – 8:45 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar
“WhatDemocracy Looks Like” (47 minutes ) by film maker Chun Pan,is a documentary about the antiwar protest in Washington, D.C. onSeptember 24-26, 2005. Join us for an inciteful look at democracyin action. This is an inspiring film that demonstrates why is itimportant for us to continue to hold mass marches and rallies andto unite for change. Now is the time toreserve your seat on the bus to NYC for the MARCH FOR PEACE,JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY on April 29, 2006. Contact 439-8863 forfurther information.
BNPMonthly Meeting
Tuesday, March 28, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
BethlehemTown Hall, 445 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY
Comediscuss and plan with us! What is next for the peace movement.locally and globally? One important item on the agenda for thismeeting is:Callfor Venezuela Solidarity Action and Endorsements. InternationalCall for Venezuela Solidarity Action and EndorsementsInternational Week of Grassroots Venezuela Solidarity Actions:April11-19. No to US ntervention! Respect Venezuela’s Sovereigntyand Democracy! We will vote on endorsing this action. Also on theagenda: MattEllinger from the State Democratic Party will outline theDemocratic Neighborhood Network initiativeand provide BNP members an opportunity to voice the issues thatthey wish to be considered by all candidates of the StateDemocratic Party. Since there is now a primary challenge tocurrent Attorney General Spitzer’s gubnatorial candidacy Matt willnot be presenting solely on behalf of Elliott Spitzer’s campaign.
Help create our upcoming events and actions. Call439-8863 for further information. New members welcome!
Surround the Federal Building
Monday, March 20, 4:00 – 6:00PM
Federal Building, Albany
Wewill surround the block in protest of the War in Iraq. Speakers,and music provided. Bring signs and dress for March weather
Sign-OnFor Peace Campaign
Wednesday, March 15
Set-upday for yard and window signs “Support Our Troops, Bring ThemHome Now!”, free signs available from over 20 peace andjustice organizations participating in SIGN-ON for Peace Campaigncoordinated by Woman Against War. Call Joe at 439-1968 to pick upa sign at 201 Kenwood Ave., Delmar.Other sign pick-up locations.
UrbanHammid w/ Deep Dish TV’s “Shocking And Awful: A GrassrootsResponse To War In Iraq”
Wednesday,March 15, 7:00 PM
The Sanctuary for Independent Media, 33616th Avenue in Troy (at 101st, where 6th Avenue turns into 5thAvenue)
TheNYS Capital Region premiere of Deep Dish TV’s “Shocking AndAwful: A Grassroots Response To War In Iraq” featuringIraqi-Swedish journalist Urban Hamid, as part of globalobservances of the third anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.Urban Hamid, who returned from Iraq in December 2005, has beencovering the war and occupation for three years. His footage wasused in Michael Moore’s film “Fahrenheit 911” as well asthe 12-part Deep Dish TV documentary series “Shocking andAwful,” which examines the latest violent and highlycontroversial actions in Iraq. Withsegments produced by more than 100 independent filmmakers andactivist organizations, the impassioned, on-the-ground viewpointof these broadcasts shows the flipside of the BushAdministration’s “Shock and Awe” military tactics. Thisproject of Deep Dish TV, the original alternative satellitenetwork in America, has been screened around the world–and iscurrently being featured at the 2006 Whitney Biennial in theWhitney Museum of American Art in New York City. More informationon the Sanctuaryfor Independent Media.
Documentary:”Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre”
Thursday,March 2, 6:45 – 8:45 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar
DemocracyNow Documentary on the U.S. use of Napalm-Like White PhosphorusBombs. This documentary charges U.S. warplanes illegally droppedwhite phosphorus incendiary bombs on civilian populations, burningthe skin off Iraqi victims. Viewer discretion advised due to thegraphic content of this film. Contact 439-8863 for furtherinformation.
CanadianFilm: The Take
Thursday,February 2, 6:45 – 8:45 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar
Joinus for this 87minute film chronicling worker run businesses inArgentina.This political thriller puts the focus on theglobalization debate and documents the worker’s lives and theirstruggle. Teresa Meade, BNP member and professor of Latin AmericanHistory, and of Women and Gender Studies, at Union College, andAndor Skotnes, Sage College (who traveled with her for a part ofthe tour), will lead a discussion following the movie. Teresa andAndor visited Argentina in December 2005. They will talk with usabout Argentina and show us some of the products they purchasedfrom one of the cooperatives mentioned in the film. Contact:439-8863 for further information.
Dahr Jamail
Monday, January 23, 7:00 PM.
Sanctuary for Independent Media, 3361 Sixth Ave., Troy
(at 101stStreet where Sixth Ave. turns into Fifth)
Tiredof the US media’sfailure to accurately report the realities of the war in Iraq forthe Iraqi people and US soldiers, Dahr Jamail went to Iraq toreport on the war and the occupation himself. Now back in the US,he will be showing and providing commentary on: “Caught inthe Crossfire – The Untold Story of Falluja” by ConceptionMedia and “Falluja 2004”, a film by independent Japanesejournalist Toshikuni Doi. Donation. Question and Answer sessionwill follow.Free. Sponsored by: Political Science Dept. -UnionCollege; Political Science Dept. and the Community Services Dept.-College of St. Rose; Peace Action-Albany; Veterans for Peace -Thomas Paine Chapter; Pax Christi Schenectady; Chatam PeaceInitiative; Social Justice Center, Albany; Women Against War;Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center; Bethlehem Neighbors forPeace. For more information: 518-869-6674; 518-378-2909;518-439-8115 or go to: For moreinformation on the Independent Media Sanctuary
Tuesday,January 24, 7:00 PM.
College of St. Rose, St. Joseph’s Hall,985 Madison Avenue, Albany
Tiredof the US media’s failure to accurately report the realities ofthe war in Iraq for the Iraqi people and US soldiers, Dahr Jamailwent to Iraq to report on the war and the occupation himself. Hewill discuss his experiences. Free. Sponsored by: PoliticalScience Dept. -Union College; Political Science Dept. and theCommunity Services Dept. -College of St. Rose; PeaceAction-Albany; Veterans for Peace – Thomas Paine Chapter; PaxChristi Schenectady; Chatam Peace Initiative; Social JusticeCenter, Albany; Women Against War; Hudson Mohawk Independent MediaCenter; Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. For more information:518-869-6674; 518-378-2909; 518-439-8115 or go to:
TheFuture of Food
Saturday,January 14, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Bethlehem Town Hall, 445Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY
Joinus for a film and discussion concerning the importance of keepingour food supply local, safe and secure. Beginning at 12:30p.m.,Mark Warford, administrator with the East Greenbush Goff MiddleSchool, will present to us how he has produced a working, organic,school garden and recycling program. Mark has presented thisprogram at the 2002 New York State Middle School Conference andreceived the Governors Award for Waste Reduction and Recycling in2003. A showing of the film “The Future of Food” by DeborahKoons Garcia follows. This film explains the truth behindgenetically engineered food and the attempts of multinationalcorporations to control the world’s food system. Local, organicand sustainable farming is explored as an alternative to this wayof agriculture. Finally, a professional panel will round out theafternoon. Included are: Billie Best, executive director fromRegional Farm and Food Project, Carl N. McDaniel, PhD., Professorof Biology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and LouiseMaher-Johnson, member of New York State Against GeneticEngineering of food and the Northeast Organic Farming Association.Refreshments and tables for organizational information will beavailable. Further information available at 518-439-0314.
HurricaneKatrina Relief and the Future of New Orleans:
A “Veteransfor Peace” Perspective
Thursday,January 5, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Bethlehem Public Library, 451Delaware Ave, Delmar
JoinBethlehem Neighbors for Peace as we begin the New Year with anevening dedicated to learning about the devastation wrought uponour brothers and sisters in New Orleans, and what we can do tohelp. Our featured guest will be Elliott Adams, a member ofVeterans for Peace who spent the week following Thanksgiving inNew Orleans, where he joined the contingent of Veterans for Peacewho have been running relief efforts in Louisiana since the firstdays after Hurricane Katrina. The experiences Elliott will sharewith us are bound to be heart wrenching first-hand accounts of theutter devastation that to this day dominates the city that wasonce New Orleans. We will spend the evening learning about thistogether, and together we will develop constructive ways to assistthe individuals, families, and communities whose lives have beenravaged by Hurricane Katrina. Co-sponsors include: Hudson MohawkIndymedia, Veterans for Peace and BNP.Contact Elaine Hills at(518) 439-8262 for further information.