Past Events 2012:
Film: We Are Not Broke
Saturday, December 22, 7:30 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)
The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District continues it’s film series with a showing of the film, We Are Not Broke (2012, 81minutes). This documentary explore show the government has government has allowed U.S. corporations to skip out on paying their fair share of taxes, leaving consumers to shoulder the brunt of a recession, threatening Social Security, Medicare and other programs that are essential to most Americans. The film-showing– co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and Upper Hudson Peace Action — will take place in Room B-8 of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue(across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided by the Honest Weight Food Coop. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information: 466-1192
BNP Film: Pots, Pans and Other Solutions
Thursday, December 20, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall
445Delaware Ave, Delmar
Pots,Pans and Other Solutions: Iceland’s People Building a Revolution (2012, 64 minutes ) is a documentary film about how Iceland has dealt with the 2008 economic crisis. Iceland, the first European country to wake up to an economic crash, people became aware that they could and should intervene in society and started demanding more democratic participation. The government was forced to create a Council to write a new constitution. In Iceland, many citizens are now organized in associations and have substantial proposals for a society where everyone can participate. A discussion will follow the film. Free and open to the public. Information 466-1192.
Tom Ellis on: Update- NL Industries and Radioactive Contamination in Colonie
Monday, December 17, 7:00 – 8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054
Tom Ellis, a 30-year member of the Community Concerned about NL (CCNL), will discuss the NL Industries (formerly National Lead Industries) contamination of a neighborhood on the border of Albany and Colonie with U-238 (aka depleted uranium), the23-year cleanup of the factory property and adjacent properties, and three decades of efforts by CCNL, now nearing success, to have the neighbors, former neighbors, and former workers of NL participate in health tests and studies so they can better understand their illnesses and seek appropriate medical care. NL Industries manufactured arm or piercing projectiles in 1979 and 1980 at its 1130 Central Avenue factory. Tom Ellis, an educator, lives in Albany and is along-time anti-nuclear power activist. Free. Everyone is welcome. Information: 466-1192.
BNP: Making Music for Peace
Thursday, November 15, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall
445Delaware Ave, Delmar
Bring our voices, guitars, drums, spoons etc., and maybe a snack to share. We will sing and play along to some of the wonderful peace songs we all know and love. If you have a favorite peace song, please bring the lyrics/music so we can sing along with you. Information 466-1192.
Film: One Bright Shining Moment
Saturday, November 17, 7:30 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)
The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District commemorates the life of the late Senator George McGovern with a showing of the film, One Bright Shining Moment (2005, 123 minutes). This documentary retraces McGoverns bold 1972 campaign for the presidency and poses the question: what does the crushing electoral defeat of a man so well respected for his decency say about power in the United States? Narrated by Amy Goodman, One Bright Shining Momentfeatures appearances by McGovern, Gore Vidal, Gloria Steinem, Warren Beatty, Dick Gregory, and Howard Zinn, as well as music by Bob Dylan,Donovan, Leon Russell, and Elvis Costello. The film-showing– co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and Upper Hudson Peace Action — will take place in Room B-8 of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue(across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided by the Honest Weight Food Coop. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information: 466-1192
Film: 5 Broken Cameras
Sunday, November 18, 4:00 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall
445 Delaware Ave, Delmar
An extraordinary work of both cinematic and political activism, 5 Broken Cameras (90 minutes, 2011) is a deeply personal, first-hand account of non-violent resistance in Bil’in, a West Bank village threatened by encroaching Israeli settlements. Shot almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, who bought his first camera in 2005 to record the birth of his youngest son, the footage was later given to Israeli co-director Guy Davidi to edit. Structured around the violent destruction o f each one of Burnat’s cameras, the filmmakers’ collaboration follows one family’s evolution over five years of village turmoil. Burnat watches from behind the lens as olive trees are bulldozed, protests intensify, and lives are lost. “I feel like the camera protects me,” he says, “but it’s an illusion.” Free and open to the public. Information: 466-1192
Voices of a People’s History of the United States
Friday, November 9
Pot luck dinner at 5:30 pm
Program begins at 7:00 pm
Delmar Reformed Church
386 Delaware Ave, Delmar
We will begin the evening with a pot luck dinner and silent auction, starting at 5:30 pm. Please bring a pot luck dish to share. Individual contributions of items or services to the Silent Auction, or direct monetary contribution would also be welcome. (Checks should be made out the “Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace”. The play will begin at 7:00 pm. A donation of $10 is requested. $2 for students.
The production will be directed by Dan Kelly and includes both actors and activists. Voices of a Peoples History of the United States is a the critically acclaimed primary-source companion volume to Howard Zinn’s A PEOPLES HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Well hear from Frederick Douglass, Tecumseh, Cindy Sheehan and other rebels, dissenters, and visionaries from our past — and present.
From the Voices of a People’s History website: “Voices of a Peoples History of the United States brings to life the extraordinary history of ordinary people who built the movements that made the United States what it is today, ending slavery and Jim Crow, protesting war and the genocide of Native Americans, creating unions and the eight hour work day, advancing women’s rights and gay liberation, and struggling to right wrongs of the day.
By giving public expression to rebels, dissenters, and visionaries from our pastand presentVoices seeks to educate and inspire a new generation working for social justice.”
Joe Lombardo will report on his trip to Pakistan
Sunday, October 28, 3:00 – 5:00 pm.
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY
Joe Lombardo, UNAC co-coordinator and member of Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, will report back on his recent trip to Pakistan as part of a humanitarian delegation, protesting drone attacks. Joe was part of a group of Americans, who joined thousands of Pakistanis to complete a two-day and 230-mile peace march across the Pakistan in early October, to protest Americas use of drones in Pakistan’s tribal areas. The trip was organized by CODE PINK.
To find out about the important work that the Upstate NY Coalition to Ground the Drones & End the Wars is doing, please go to their website at:
For additional information call (518) 466-1192. This presentation cosponsored by Women Against War and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Free and open to the public.
Film: Electoral Dysfunction
Saturday, October 20, 7:30 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)
Solidarity Committee of the Capital District continues its film series with a showing of Electoral Dysfunction (2012, 91 minutes). Starring the humorist Mo Rocca, Electoral Dysfunction takes a timely,irreverent look at what it calls the war on voting in the United States. This documentary examines the Electoral College, photo ID voting requirements, campaign strategies that rely on disenfranchisement, and other aspects of a chaotic, all-too-often undemocratic election system. Among the past documentaries by members of this films production team is the award-winning Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin. Electoral Dysfunctionopened in Hollywood in late September 2012 and is being shown by the Solidarity Committee this October in Albany thanks to a special arrangement with the film-makers. The film showing –co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and Upper Hudson Peace Action — will take place at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located across the street from the downtown SUNY campus, on Washington Avenue. Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided by the Honest Weight Food Co-op. Information: 466-1192
Steve Ellner discusses Venezuelas Presidential Election
Tuesday, October 16, 7:30 pm
Oakwood Community Center
313 10th St., Troy, N.Y.
Venezuelas Presidential Election: What does it mean Hugo Chávezs chain of electoral triumphs over a period of 14 years is uncommon in politics anywhere. Much of his success has to do with his policies that have reversed the takeover of Venezuelas economy by multinational companies. A new Labor Law passed several months ago has also strengthened Chávezs popularity. Steve Ellner is the author of dozens of books and articles on Latin America and has been teaching history and political science at the University of the East in Venezuela since1977. He is a regular contributor to In These Times and NACLA:Report on the Americas. His most recent book is Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict, and the Chávez Phenomenon The James Connolly Forum Co-Sponsored by: Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St.Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students :more information:518 505 0948
Peace Vigil & Speak Out !
11th Anniversary of US War in Afghanistan.
Wednesday, October 3, 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Dana Park at the intersection of Delaware Ave, Lark Street, andMadison Avenue (near the Occupy Albany office), Albany, NY
Join us in a peace vigil and speak out on the 11th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.
How is the War Economy Working for You?
Send an email to:[email protected] to add your organization as a co-sponsor. Sponsored by: Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Schenectady Neighbors for Peace, Social Justice Center of Albany, Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, Tom Paine Chapter Veterans For Peace, Upper Hudson Peace Action, Women Against War, and other local peace and justice organizations. Information: Trudy 466-1192
BNP Film: Capitalism is not in crisis. Capitalism is the Crisis.
Thursday, October 4, 6:45 – 8:45 pm.
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY
Capitalism Is The Crisis (2011, 100 minutes) take a look at how capitalism is functioning around the world and discusses the nature of the current crisis. The film features original interviews with Chris Hedges,Derrick Jensen, Michael Hardt, Peter Gelderloos, Leo Panitch, David McNally, Richard J.F. Day, Imre Szeman, Wayne Price, and many more. “The 2008 financial crisis in the United States was a systemic fraud in which the wealthy finance capitalists stole trillions of public dollars. No one was jailed for this crime, the largest theft of public money in history. Instead, the rich forced working people across the globe to pay for their crisis through punitive austerity programs that gutted public services and repealed workersrights.” The film looks at the crisis in Greece, the 2010G20 Summit protest in Toronto, Canada, and the surge of worker solidarity in Madison, Wisconsin. Alternatives to capitalism are also discussed in the film. Questions and a discussion will follow. For additional information call (518) 466-1192. Free and open tothe public.
October 7 is the 11th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. All out on Oct. 7 in Harlem! End the Wars at Home and Abroad. October 7from 4 7 PM, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building Plaza,163 West 125th St, New York, NY. From Joe Lombardo: “After many problems, we have been able to get the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building Plaza in Harlem for our Oct 7demonstration on the anniversary of the war on Afghanistan. It took a fight and a lot of work by Nellie Bailey of the Harlem Tenants Council and Black Agenda Report and Imam Talib, President of the Islamic Leadership Council of Metro NY but we were finally able to get the location. This demonstration should have a focus on the War at Home, as well as bringing the troops home from Afghanistan and opposing the moves towards war with Iran and Syria. We also want to raise the demand of Stand with Palestine. As you may know on the weekend of Oct 6 and7 there will be a Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Palestine. The Tribunal will have well-known speakers from around the world testifying. We projected the time of 4 6 PM so as to not conflict with the Tribunal and so Tribunal participants could join our rally.
This is the first time that UNAC has held a rally in Harlem. We were encouraged to do so by UNAC member groups, many of whom, such as DRUM,represent minority communities. With the war at home focus, we want to raise issues such as End Stop and Frisk and end the attacks on Muslims.”
BNP Film: Split Estate
Tuesday, September 25, 6:45 – 8:45 pm. Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY
The award-winning documentary Split Estate (76 minutes), is a riveting look at a David vs. Goliath confrontation unfolding in communities throughout the US around the issue of Gas Fracking.The film maps a tragedy in the making as citizens in the path of a new domestic drilling boom struggle against the erosion of their civil liberties, their communities and their health.
Following the film, James Booker, Economics and Environmental Studies professor at Siena College will provide us with a very brief description of fracking technologies, and some specifics on the scale of the economic impacts, water use and waste water, and speculate on the scale of expected spills. Questions and a discussion will follow. For additional information call (518) 466-1192. Free and open to the public.
AUDITIONS for Howard Zinn’s “Voices Of The People’s History Of The United States” A staged reading directed by Dan Kelly
Thursday, September 20 7:00PM – 9:00PM
Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware Ave. Delmar, NY
Saturday, Sept. 22 12noon – 2:00PM, Unitarian Universalist Church, 405 Washington Ave. Albany, NY
We will need to fill approximately 16 roles with roughly equal numbers of men and women. Auditioners will be asked to read from a script that will be provided at the auditions.
African-American, Latino, and Asian actors are strongly encouraged to audition. All levels of acting experience will be considered.
This is a fundraiser for Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace (BNP). Actors with a commitment to social justice principles would beideal. Performance date: November 9, 2012.
For more information call (518) 258-0779.
Film: “The War We Don’t See”
Saturday, September 22, 7:30 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)
The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District continues its film series with a free showing of The War You Don’t See (2010, 96 minutes), a documentary film, directed by John Pilger. It is a powerful and timely investigation into themedia’s role in war. The War You Don’t See traces the history of”embedded’ and independent reporting from World War I to the destruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to the current war in Afghanistan. As weapons and propaganda are ever mores ophisticated, the very nature of war has developed into an `electronic battlefield’. “A masterful job of laying out the often willing collusion of the journalists with the governments’ ever-expanding spin empires.” Dr. John Jenks, Communication Arts and Sciences Dominican University. Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Information: 466-1192
Dessert Reception for Joe Lombardo
Sunday, September 23, 3:30 – 5:30 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall Auditorium
445 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY.
A humanitarian delegation will be traveling to Pakistan in early October. The delegation will reach out to the victims ofAmerica’s illegal predator and reaper done strikes in Northern Pakistan, and stand in solidarity with them. The trip is being organized by CODEPINK. Joe Lombardo will be a member of the delegation.
Help support Joe’s trip by joining him for dessert.We will have the BNP store set up and Joe will be available to discuss his planned trip. Desserts and beverages will be served. Michael Noble will provide live guitar music. Donations will be appreciated. Donations will help defray Joe’s airfare and expenses for his 10 days trip to Pakistan. Joe will be report back to us on Sunday, October 28, at the Bethlehem Library, 3:00 – 5:00 pm. Information: [email protected] or 466-1192
Vijay Prashad Discusses Uncle Swami: South Asians in America Today
Friday, September 14, 7:30 pm
Oakwood Community Center
313 10th St., Troy, N.Y.
Vijay Prashad is George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History and Professor of International Studies at Trinity College in Hartford,Connecticut, USA.His latest book is Uncle Swami: South Asians in America Today. Within hours of the attacks on the World Trade Center,assaults on Sikhs and other South Asians flared across the nation. The latest example just took place in with the massacre in Wisconsin. An increasingly fearful worldview changed ideas of belonging and acceptance in the United States. A powerful indictment of racial politics in America, Uncle Swami restores a diasporic community to its full-fledged complexity, beyond both model minorities and the specters of terrorism. The James Connolly Forum. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students.Co-sponsored by: The Muslim Solidarity Committee, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace Information: [email protected] or 518 5050948 Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students
The 14th Anniversary, Kateri Tekakwitha Peace Conference
Friday & Saturday, August 17 & 18
National Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine, Route 5, Fonda, NY
Crossing the Line, A Call to Revolutionary Love featuring: Bishop Thomas Gumbleton*, Kathy Kelly, John Horgan, Claire Grady, David Swanson, Matt Southworth, Walt Chura and more . . . Beginning Friday with a day of reflection led by Bishop Thomas Bunbleton, 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Come join others who hunger and thirst for peace and justice and be inspired by: Kathy Kelly, David Swanson, John Horgan, Matt Southworth and Bishop Gumbleton. Program begins Friday evening, 6:30 – 8:30, Saturday, 9:00 – 4:00 All are welcome! Check the conference website for the latest information or call: John Amidon 518-312-6442, or Maureen Aumand: 518-869-6674. Facebook page.
Sunday,August 12, 12 noon, Albany Friends Meeting House, 727 Madison Avenue,Albany, NY. Talk by Cecile Pineda, author of DevilsTango How I Learned the Fukushima Step by Step Sponsored by Upper Hudson Peace Action and co-sponsored by BNP and other local peace groups. Information: Pat Beetle at [email protected] Download the flyer.
Peace Activist Ed Kinane:
Why Upstate New Yorkers Oppose the Reaper Drone and What Were Doing About It
Thursday, August 2, 7:00 -8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY
Ed, a long-time anti-war activist and opponent of weaponized Reaper drones, will explain why, if we want a safer world, we must oppose the drone in our midst. Hell also talk about the lively ongoing campaign to out the Reaper at Hancock Air Base in Syracuse. We will also show the short film of the June 28 protest at Hancock Air Base where 15 protesters, including Ed, were arrested. The film was done by John Amidon,Veterans for Peace, and part of the film was recently shown on “Democracy Now” Information: 518-466-1192.
Saturday,August 4, 7:00 pm, Candlelight March and Inter-faith Dinner In Support of Yassin Aref & Mohammed Hossain. The candle light march will begin at Townsend Park and end at the Masjid As-Salam, 278 Central Avenue, Albany. You are invited to join us for this march remembering the eighth anniversary of the arrests of two Muslim men from the Albany community and all Muslims preemptively prosecuted by the US government. Dinner and discussion at the Mosque will follow. Schedule of Events: 7:00P.M. Candlelight march beginning at Townsend Park, Washington &Central Avenues 7:30 P.M. Speakers and Discussion at the Masjid As-Salam Mosque, 278 Central Avenue An Interfaith Supper will start at sundown, to break the Ramadan fast Download a pdf flyer here. Sponsored by Muslim Solidarity Committee, Project SALAM & the Aref-Hossain Capital Region Chapter of NCPCF, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. For more information, contact Cathy Callan at 518-439-8115 [email protected]
BNP: Making Music for Peace
Thursday, July 19, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall
445 Delaware Ave, Delmar
Bring your voices, guitars, drums, spoons etc., and maybe a snack to share. We will sing and play along to some of the wonderful peace songs we all know and love. If you have a favorite peace song, please bring the lyrics/music so we can sing along with you. Information 466-1192.
Film-Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I
Thursday, July 5 , 6:45 -8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY
Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I(2006,112 minutes) provides the details of the events of World War I that laid the groundwork for today’s conflicts in the Middle East. After the 1918 demise of the Ottoman Empire, the Treaty of Versailles paved the way for political instability in the region. At the same time, Western powers became aware of the area’s rich oil reserves, initiating a campaign of economic, diplomatic and military intrusion that continues to this day. The film exposes the Western greed, which laid the foundation for wars, coups, revolts, oppressive dictators and military interventions in todays Middle East. Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, modern Turkey and other hot spots were born as the fruits of victoryin World War I were divided. A discussion will follow the film. Information: 466-1192
Thursday, June 28, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Leo W. O’Brien Federal Building,
N. Pearl St. and Clinton Avenue, Albany, NY.
Emergency Protest Against the Growing Threat of War
— Hands Off Syria and Iran! — End the Drone Wars! —-
Need Jobs, Education and Healthcare, Not Endless War!
Join us for a rally at the Federal Building. We will me at the intersection of N. Pearl Street and Clinton Avenue. The growing threats of war against Syria are alarmi
ng. Recently, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Russia not to get in the way of US backed efforts to force out the government of President Assad. The corporate media is making every effort to overwhelm us with calls for another “Humanitarian War”. The drumbeat of aggression against Iran grows daily as well. The coup by the U.S. funded and trained Egyptian military, overturning the first popularly elected government in recent history is another ominous warning. The threat of new war is real while US drone attacks are an expanding form of anonymous war. During the period from June 23through July 1, the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) has called for demonstrations, vigils and forum around the country to protest the growing threats of war. Please join us! Publicity flyer for printing. Information: Joe 518-281-1968
Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez: The Battle to Transform Our Uni
Monday, June 11, 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy, NY.
Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, an ER nurse from the Bronx and local bargaining unit president is also Vice President of the 37,000 member New York State Nurses Association and a member of a vibrant dissident slate that won a majority in the union’s most recent election. She participated in a Rank & File-initiated effort to coordinate strike activity among10,000 nurses employed by NYC’s major medical empires. Reformers Sweep Election in New York Nurses Union Co-Sponsored by: Troy Area Labor Council AFL-CIO, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Located Exit 9Eoff 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7 : ,on left at 2nd light between9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5requested, $2 unemployed and students more information: 518 505 0948
UNAC Report on Protest at the NATO Summit in Chicago, May 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall
445 Delaware Ave, Delmar
Join Joe Lombardo and other activists who attended the NATO protests in Chicago. This protest was one of the largest antiwar protests in the US in recent years, and the protest had support from a diverse groups of organizations from around the country including: labor unions, occupiers, peace groups, community organizations and more. The group will also discuss national antiwar events that are being planned for the future. Join us for this important discussion. Information 466-1192.
Wednesday,June 27, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Pine Hills Branch Albany Public Library, Albany, NY. Film: With God on Our Side. With God On Our Side takes a look at the theology of Christian Zionism, and articulates a perspective on the Middle East debate anchored in history and sound theology. Speaking of the film, Steven Haas of World Vision has said: Porter Speakman has delivered one of the clearest assessments of the struggle between Palestinians and Jews,and a US Church largely unaware of their complicity in the current conflict. .. I dare anyone to see this film and remain unchanged Info: [email protected] Co-sponsored by Palestinian Rights Committee of Upper Hudson Peace Action and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.
Thursday,June 7, 6:30 – 8:30 Friends Meeting House 727 Madison Ave, AlbanyNY. An event featuring Film, Food and Conversation. The film Land Twice Promised shows Noa Baums outstanding performance depicting the reaction to the 1967 war from both sides. Called a
compelling and thought provoking story that challenges each listener to take the first step toward peace. The screening will be followed by sharing of light snacks and discussion on what we can do about the conflict. Free and Open to the Public. Information:email [email protected] or call 518-453-8874. Co-sponsored by Palestinian Rights Committee of Upper Hudson Peace Action and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.
Activists discussing their trip to Palestine, and a short film: The Thyme Seller
Tuesday, June 5 , 7:00 -8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY
Three local activists and one Palestinian filmmaker will speak about their efforts to free Palestine from oppression. Woodstock activists Helaine Meislerand Nic Abramson were on the Audacity of Hope last year hoping to go to Palestine. They traveled on their own to Palestine in December o flast year. Jane Toby of Catskill has worked with international Women in Black, and lived and worked in Bethlehem, interviewing Palestinian women. Helaine, Nic and Jane will share slides and discuss experiences. Jane is presently hosting film-maker Taha Awadallah from Al Walaja village near Bethlehem. Taha will show his short documentary “The Thyme Seller” about his mother and share his and his family’s personal experiences. Given time, the trailer to his upcoming film “Keep Hope Alive” will also be shown. Information: 518-466-1192.
Thursday,May 31, 4:30 – 5:30 PM, Corner of Washington Avenue and LarkStreet, Albany NY (In front of Wash. Av. Armory). Vigil for aSHARED Jerusalem. The vigil’s purpose is to call attentionto the internationally-recognized solution to the Israeli-Palestinianconflict, which includes Jerusalem as shared Capital for both Israeland Palestine, existing as equal sovereign nations. Join us to supportthe internationally-recognized solution to the Israeli-Palestinianconflict, including Jerusalem as shared Capital for two equal nations. Unity should not meanEthnic Cleansing. Information: email [email protected] orcall 518-453-8874. Co-sponsored by Palestinian Rights Committee ofUpper Hudson Peace Action and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.
Film: The Last Mountain
Thursday, May 3, 6:45 -8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY
The Last Mountain (2011, 95 minutes) is a documentary film that follows ordinary citizens in West Virginia’s Coal River Valley as they wage a campaign to prevent the infamous Massey Energy Company from expanding ruinous mountaintop removal mining operations in their community. A discussion will follow the film. Information: 518-466-1192.
Tuesday, May 1, Noon-11:00 pm, Academy Park,Albany. May Day Rally! The 99% demand political equality and economic justice! Take to Academy Park for: Noon- March thru Albany, 1:30 -4:30-Democratic Teach-ins, 5:00 – 7:00 pm- Rally and Speak-out, 7:00 pm on food and live music. More Information
Solidarity Film: “A Moment in Her Story”
Saturday,April 28, 7:30 PM
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)
The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District continues its film series with a free showing of “A Mot in Her Story” (2012, 90minutes). Starting in the late 1960s and continuing into the1970s, as the Second Wave of feminism spread across the United States,it called for dramatically expanded possibilities for women of all races and classes. This new documentary, shown in Albany by special arrangement with its director, chronicles the Boston womens movement. Composed of students, professionals, community activists, and working class mothers, the Boston movement — a particularly lively one — demanded fundamental changes in American life. Indeed, A Moment in Her Story attests to themovements transforming energy, creativity, and determination. Apost-film discussion will be led by Barbara Smith — Albany Common Council member, community activist, author, and key participant in the Boston movement. The film showing — co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and Upper Hudson Peace Action — will take place in Emerson Hallof the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located across the street from the downtown SUNY campus, on Washington Avenue. Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided by the Honest Weight Food Co-op. Information: 466-1192
Medea Benjamin: Stop the Drones!
Sunday, April 22, 11:45 – 1:00 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, Emerson Hall
405Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus) , Albany, NY Medea Benjamin, Code-Pink co-founder and world recognized anti-war activist, will focus her talk on the issue of international drone warfare proliferation and the increasing use of drones for surveillance,nationally as well as internationally. This is the subject of her recent book, Drone Warfare: KILLING BY Remote Control. Drone Warfare has been called acomprehensive look at the growing menace of robotic warfare . The book adeptly analyzes and details the production, use, piloting, and human cost associated and places these in both a legal as well as moral framework.
Medea, whose anti-war work has taken her in recent years courageously from war zone to war zone(including her organization of last years attempt to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza with the international Gaza Flotilla), and from countless major news network appearances to protests and direct actions across the globe says: You dont hear the stories of those killed and maimed on CNN and Fox News or even MSNBC. The U.S. media has little interest in airing the stories of dirt poor people in faraway lands who contradict the convenient narrative that drone strikes kill only militants.
Sundays appearance of Medea Benjamin in Albany is being cosponsored by the Peace Team of the Social Responsibility Committee of FUSA, Women Against War (a Code Pink affiliate), Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, the Solidarity Committee of the Capital Region, Upper Hudson Peace Action, Schenectady Neighbors for Peace, Muslim Solidarity Committee, Palestinian Rights Committee, Guilderland Neighbors for Peace as well as Veterans for Peace, Tom Paine Chapter. The event is free and the public is most welcome. Download Medea Benjamin event flyer. Information: 518-466-1192
Film: “Bamako”
Thursday , April 19, 7:00 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall
445 Delaware Ave, Delmar
Bamako (2007, 118 minutes) stars TiécouraTraoré. See The James Connolly Forum on April 13 for details of a talk by TiécouraTraoré. This film, by director Abderrahmane Sissako, is an insightful social drama contrasts the troubled relationship between a bar singer (Aïssa Maïga) and her unemployed husband (TiécouraTraoré) with the overwhelming economic hardships of Africa, illuminated through a mock trial against key international financial institutions.While spokesmen from African civil society rail against the World Bank, Melé and Chaka are struggling to keep their marriage together. “a work of cool intelligence and profound anger, along, dense, argument that is also a haunting visual poem” ~A.O. Scott,The New York Times One Angry African Put Big Money on Trial (New York Times). A discussion will follow the film.Sponsored byBethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information 466-1192.
Tiécoura Traoré- The Struggle for Economic Justice in Africa
Friday, April 13, 7:30 pm
Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy, NY.
Tiécoura Traoré ,a railworker’s son with a doctorate in transport engineering,is the general secretary of the Mali railway workers union SYTRAIL. Heis famous in Mali for campaigningagainst privatisation of Malis railways and is founding President ofthe ‘Citizens’ Collective for Developing and Taking Back the Railwaysin Mali’ (COCIDIRAIL, a national campaign”to take back the railways for the people of Mali” that he foundedafter they were sold off in October 2003 to a FrancoCanadianconsortium, Transrail. He also played a role in the film Bamako, anindictment of the role of the World Bank in Africa. The James ConnollyForum Co-sponsored by: The Troy Area Labor Council, AFLCIO, BethlehemNeighbors for Peace. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridgefor Rte 7 :,on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9thSt., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the doorfacing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and studentsmore information: 518 505 0948
Integrating Delmar 1957: The Story of a Friendship, with author Arlen R Westbrook and Miki Conn
Thursday, April 5, 7:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY
Author Arlen R Westbrook and Miki Conn will join us to discuss Integrating Delmar 1957: The Story of a Friendship.The book was written in 1957/1958 by Margaret B. Cunningham and ArlenR. Westbrook, when Arlen, and first husband Kendall Birr, a whitecouple rented their house on Herrick Ave, Delmar to the first blackcouple in Delmar, James and Margaret Cunningham and their twodaughters, Miki and Fern, and shared the house for a short period withthem. The Unitarian Universalist Windows newsletter for December2011 reviews the book as follows: “This book is a unique personalaccount told by the wives of two couples (one Black and one White) oftheir experiences integrating Delmar and the lasting friendship thatdeveloped. Both wives decided from the beginning to recordseperately, their feelings about the situations each encountered atthat time. They each express their intimate feelings and fearsabout the interracial situation as it progressed. It also recordsthe reactions of neighbors and others in the community to a Blackfamily living in their neighborhood for the first time, includingincidents of people who made the situation difficult and those whowere helpful. This book illustrates the existence of racismin the north and the courage of individuals to overcome thatracism. It chronicles the development of a genuine friendship anddescribes a co-housing experiment long before it became a movement.”Information: 518-466-1192.
Carl Finamore- Egypt, One Year On: An Eyewitness Report
Friday, March 30, 7:30 pm
Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy, NY.
Carl Finamore is a delegate to the San Francisco Labor Council, AFLCIO, and former President (retired), Air Transport Employees, Local Lodge 1781, IAMAW. He visited Egypt in early 2012 and during the uprising in 2011 where he met with workers and student activists. Carl writes for Counterpunch, Beyond Chron, In These Times and other publications. Learn your way around Egypt ‘s revolution with Carl, a great guide” …Alexander Cockburn, CounterPunch. Co-Sponsored by: The James Connolly Forum, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7 : ,on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students more information: 518 505 0948
BNP: Making Music for Peace
Thursday, March 15, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall
445Delaware Ave, Delmar
Bringyour voices, guitars, drums, spoons etc., and maybe asnack to share. We will singand play along to some of the wonderful peace songs we all knowand love. If you have a favorite peace song, please bring thelyrics/music so we can sing along with you. We will have a shortBethlehem Neighbors for Peace meeting at 7, then share somesongs. Information 466-1192.
BNP Film: “The Economics of Happiness”
Thursday, March 1, 6:45 – 8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054
The Economics ofHappiness ( 2011, 65 min) reveals how globalization is acceleratingclimate change, destroying jobs, and communities and making life morestressful for most of us. This film also provides ideas forsolutions. The film features interviews with Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, David Korten, Michael Shuman, Juliet Schor, Richard Heinberg, Rob Hopkins, Andrew Simms, Zac Goldsmith, Samdhong Rinpoche, Clive Hamilton, Mohau Pheko, Keibo Oiwa and more…A discussion will follow the film. Please joinus. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: 466-1192
Sunday, February 26th from 4:00 – 7:00 PM. United Unitarian Universalist Church, 405 Washington Ave., Albany. (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). Upper Hudson Peace Action’s Palestinian Rights Committee will present a Refugee Forum. The event will begin with a Mediterranean dinner at 4:00 PM, followed by a panel discussion of what it means to be a refugee. Panel presenters will be: Michael Rice, a 1941 refugee from Nazi Germany; Ramzi Abu Jazar, a refugee from the West Bank; Nevin Abutaima, a refugee from Gaza; Marc Lassouaoui Senior Liaison Officer of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Michael, Ramzi andNevin will tell us of their refugee experiences. Marc will describe what UNRWA does, and the challenges it faces. All proceeds goto support the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. Donation: $20(Students: $15), if received by the 22nd of February; $25 at thedoor. Checks may be made payable to Palestinian Rights Committee and mailed to Tom Ellis, 43 North Pine Street, Albany, NY 12203 Information: e-mail to [email protected] or phone 518-966-5366.
Marina Sitrin- Confronting Crisis: What Can We Learn from the Argentine Experience?
Friday, February 24, 7:30 pm
Oakwood Community Center
313 10th St., Troy, NY.
Marina Sitrin is a writer, lawyer, teacher, organizer and dreamer. Mostrecently she served as a member of the Occupy Wall Street legalactivist team. She is the editor of Horizontalism: Voices ofPopular Power in Argentina (2006) AK Press, Edinburgh & Oakland,CA; Marina has just completed with Zed Press, London UK EverydayRevolutions: Horizontalism & Autonomy in Argentina(2012), and iscoeditor of the forthcoming, Insurgent Democracies: Latin Americas NewPowers. y. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the CUNY GraduateCenters Committee on Globalization and Social Change. Co-Sponsoredby: The James Connolly Forum and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.Located right turn off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7 east, on leftat 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., OldFire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facingHoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed andstudents. More information: 518 505 0948
Film: “The War We Don’t See”
Thursday , February 16, 7:00 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall
445 Delaware Ave, Delmar
The War You Don’t See (2010, 96 minutes) is a documentary film, directed byJohn Pilger. It is a powerful and timely investigation into themedia’s role in war. The War You Don’t See traces the history of”embedded’ and independent reporting from World War I to thedestruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to thecurrent war in Afghanistan. As weapons and propaganda are ever moresophisticated, the very nature of war has developed into an `electronicbattlefield’. “A masterful job of laying out the often willingcollusion of the journalists with the governments’ ever-expanding spinempires.” Dr. John Jenks, Communication Arts and Sciences DominicanUniversity . A discussion will follow the film.. Sponsored byBethlehem Neighbors for Peace.
“No War with Iran” Rally
Saturday, February 4, 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Wolf Rd and Central Ave, Colonie, NY.
“No War with Iran” Rally and walk over to the Recruiting Center at Colonie Center. JoinOccupy Albany and the Capital District antiwar movement as wepeacefully protest the threat of war with Iran. NO WAR, NO Sanctions,No Assassinations. This is part of a national day of action. The rallyhas been endorsed by Occupy Albany and there will also be a bus load of Occupy Wall St. protesters from NYC joining us. Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Occupy Albany, Women Against War and Upper Hudson PeaceAction. Facebook event. Information: Joe Lombardo @ 281-1968
BNP Film: “Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives”
Thursday, February, 2, 6:45 – 8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054
Scarred Lands andWounded Lives: The Environmental Footprint of War (86 minutes, 2011) is a documentary that exploresthe environmental impacts of war. The film explores the immense ecological ramifications, of everything from technologicaldevelopment and natural resource exhaustion, to weapons testingand modern warfare itself. War is comprised of elements thatpollute land, air, and water, destroy biodiversity and entireecosystems, and drain our limited natural resources. Yet the environmental damage caused even by preparation for war, not tomention war itself, is routinely underestimated, under reported, andeven ignored. A discussion will follow the film. Please join us. Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Women Against War, and the Tom PaineChapter of Veterans for Peace. Information: 466-1192
Solidarity Film: “Freedom Riders”
Saturday, January 21, 7:30 PM
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)
TheSolidarity Committee of the Capital District continues its film serieswith a showing of the documentary, Freedom Riders (2009, 111minutes). This documentary is about a group of activists, blackand white, who challenged the segregation laws of the South in the1960s. The film showing — co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and Upper Hudson Peace Action. The First UnitarianUniversalist Society of Albany is located across the street from thedowntown SUNY campus, on Washington Avenue. Admission is free,and free refreshments will be provided by the Honest WeightFood Co-op. Information: 466-1192.
Jodi Dean: The Meaning of Occupy Wall Street for the Left.
Friday, January 13, 7:30 pm
Oakwood Community Center
313 10th St., Troy, NY.
Jodi Dean is professor of Political Science at Hobart and William SmithColleges in Geneva, New York, and holds the Erasmus Chair in theHumanities in the Faculty of Philosophy at Erasmus University,Rotterdam, The Netherlands. She has authored or edited 9books, the most recent of which is Democracy and OtherNeoliberal Fantasies (Duke UP, 2009). Her latest book, The CommunistHorizon, will be published by Verso in 2012. The Oakwood Community Center is located right turn off 787Collar City Bridge for Rte 7 east, on left at 2nd lightbetween 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire stationbuilding parking lot left on 10th Use the door facingHoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students. More information: 518 505 0948
Occupy …The Future
Thursday, January 5, 7:00 – 8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054
Shanna Goldman, Dan Morrissey, BNP member Joe Lombardo, and otherparticipants in Occupy Albany will talk aboutthe Occupy movement in general and discuss some of the issues specificto Occupy Albany. They will discuss where the Occupy movement originated, the method used formaking decisions, and some of the results of Occupy actions. Howcan we help sustain this movement, what are the possible nextsteps, and what is the future for Occupiers? Free. Information: 466-1192.