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Past Events 2017

Past Events 2017:

Tuesday, December 5, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th Street, Troy, NY. The James Conolly Forum: Talk by Talk by Roberta Benefel: The Fight for Indigenous Water Rights in Labridor. Roberta Benefel is the Co-founder, Vice President and Riverkeeper for Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, (GRKL) a member of the nearly 300 member strong International Organization, Waterkeeper Alliance. Ms. Benefel continues to be actively involved in the fight to save not just her own river, the Churchill in Labrador from massive dams, but has broadened her fight to include the last remaining wild rivers throughout Canada where Canadian Provincial Crown Corporations and Large Contractors conspire to create dams on every possible site. Co-sponsored by The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Albany Democratic Socialists of America and Capital District Socialist Party. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students more information: 518 407 3582


Film: (T)ERROR
Thursday, December 7
6:45 – 8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar, NY

(T)ERROR (2017, 84 minutes), is the documentary film by Lyric Cabral and David Felix Sutcliffe that follows an FBI informant through a sting case.(T)ERROR is the story of a 62-year-old Black Panther-turned-counterterrorism informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is the first film to document a covert terrorism sting as it unfolds. With unprecedented access to both the informant and the target, (T)ERROR captures the drama and intrigue of a spy novel, but with very real consequences.The film mentions Project SALAM as one of the fundraisers for one of the victims of the sting, Khalifa Al-Akili. This film recently won a Emmy. Attorney, Steve Down, who appears in the film, will be available to lead the discussion after the film. Information: 518-466-1192

Friday, December 8, 7:00 pm, 155 Washington Ave., Albany, NY. End the US Travel Ban on Cuba. Talk by Ike Nahem, a long time fighter against the Cuba Blockade. Ike will discuss the fight to defend our right to travel to Cuba, as part of our struggle to end the blockade and how that fits within our common goals of bringing about a more fair society in the USA. End the U.S. Travel Ban! Defend our right to travel to Cuba, Oppose Trump’s rollback of Cuba Policy! End the U.S. embargo against Cuba! Ike Nahem has been published online in CounterPunch, Dissident Voice, MRZine and various Cuban online Journals. Free and open to the public, light refreshments. Sponsored by the Albany Cuba Solidarity. Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and Capital District Socialist Party. Information:[email protected] Parking in back (Elk Street entrance)


Film: “13th: From Slave to Criminal With One Amendment”
Saturday, November 18, 7:30 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)

The Solidarity Committee of the CapitalDistrict continues its 2017-2018 film series with the screening of”13th” (2016, 100 minutes). This powerful documentary draws upondramatic historic film footage, as well as interviews with activists,scholars, and politicians, to highlight the criminalization of AfricanAmericans and the resulting vast expansion of the U.S. prisonpopulation. Among those interviewed are Michelle Alexander,Angela Davis, Van Jones, Henry Lewis Gates, and even NewtGingrich. The role of ALEC (the rightwing corporate alliance) indeveloping criminalization policies is explored in depth. Directed by Ada DuVernay (the director of “Selma”), “13th” wasnominated for an Oscar and has received 29 film prizes, including BestDocumentary awards from Critics’ Choice and the African American FilmCritics Association. Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors forPeace, the Social Justice Center, and Upper Hudson Peace Action, thefilm screening will take place in Channing Hall of the First UnitarianUniversalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue(across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). Admission is free,and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome toattend. Additional films in the 2017-2018 series will be shown onFebruary 17 and April 21, at the same time and place. Information: 518-466-1192



Monday, October 30, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Weekly Vigil: “Solidarity With Cuba”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar.OnWednesday, November 1, the United Nations General Assembly will debateand vote on a crucial resolution condemning the US policy of aggressionagainst Cuba, the 50 year economic, commercial and financialembargo. Last year’s vote was 191-0, with the US and Israelabstaining. Support for the resolution has been overwhelming forover 20 years. Say not to a policy of aggression and hostilityagainst the Cuban people. Say NO to the ongoing assault on ourright to travel to Cuba and the right of the Cuban people to visit theU.S. Join us in solidarity with the sovereign nation of Cuba. Stay fora few minutes or an hour. Let’s stand together for peace and justice. 518-466-1192 for further information. Join us!


Joe Lombardo on his October 2017 Trip to Russian Youth Conference
Thursday, November 2
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

JoeLombardo will be in Sochi, Russia from October 14- October 21, 2017. Hewill be speaking at the 19th World Festival of Youth and Studentsthat is expectedto be attended by 30,000 people. The festival was organized by theWorld Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) along with theInternational Union of Students. The festival was also held in Russiain 1957 and 1985.The first festival was held in Prague, 70 years ago. The motto of the event is ‘For peace, solidarity andsocial justice, we struggle against imperialism. Honoring our past, webuild the future!’ Joe will discuss histrip and talk about our current prospects for peace. A discussion will follow Joe’s talk. Link to article about the festival. Information: 466-1192

November 3, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th Street,Troy, NY. The James Coly Forum: Talk by Fred Magdoff.Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation.Fred Magdoff is Emeritus Professor of Plant and Soil Science at theUniversity of Vermont. The recent disasters created by Hurricane Irmaand Maria make the urgency of a response to climate change critical.Magdoff and his co-author Chris Williams have written a book that aimssquarely at replacing capitalism with an ecologically sound andsocially just society. Creating an Ecological Society is filled withrevolutionary hope. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use thedoor facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed andstudents more information: 518 407 3582


Film: “the bomb”
Saturday, October 14, 7:30 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)

The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District opens its 2017-2018 film series with the screening of “the bomb”(2016, 61 minutes). This experimental meditation on thedestructive power of nuclear weapons provides a powerful examination oftheir role in the world’s history and culture, as well as lessons aboutviolence and war that some people choose to ignore. Forgoing theusual talking head interviews or explanatory narration, “The Bomb”sweeps forward by relying on striking visual film footage, pluselectronic minimalist music by The Acid. Co-sponsored by BethlehemNeighbors for Peace, the Social Justice Center, and Upper Hudson PeaceAction, the film screening will take place in Channing Hall of theFirst Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend. Additional films in the 2017-2018series will be shown on November 18, February 17, and April 21, at thesame time and place. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information:


Film: “Charlie Wilson’s War”
Thursday, October 5
6:30 – 8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

Film: “Charlie Wilson’s War” (2007,102minutes, Rated R), stars Julia Roberts, Seymour Hoffman, and TomHanks. Who armed the Taliban? This film is based on a true story. Veteran 60 Minutes producer George Crile explains how one Congressman was able to provide the CIA with hundreds of millions of dollars to fund the Afghan program, dwarfing the price tag for arming the Nicaraguan Contras that occurred at virtually the same time. Information: 466-1192



Monday, October 2, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Oppose the Escalation of the Afghanistan War”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. Joinus in opposing Trump’s war agenda. October6, 2017 marks the 16th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan– the longest foreign war in U.S. history. U.S. Antiwar Leaders Callfor Actions to Oppose the Escalation of the Afghanistan War During theWeek of the 16th Anniversary of the Invasion. The Afghan war, wasoriginally railed against by Donald Trump when he was running forpresident. He claimed to be against U.S. troop involvement inAfghanistan. Now he is moving forward with a “secret” plan ofescalation that will also include Pakistan. He says the secrecyis to keep the “enemy” from knowing his plans, but it also keeps theU.S. people from knowing what he is doing in our name and from judgingthe human costs for the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and the UnitedStates. Stay for a few minutes or an hour. Let’s stand together for peace and justice. 518-466-1192 for further information. Join us!



Film: “13th: From Slave to Criminal With One Amendment”
Thursday, September 7
6:30 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

Film: “13th: From Slave to Criminal With One Amendment” (2016,100minutes), followed by a discussion. “13th” is a documentary byAva DuVernay, the director of Selma, about the 13th Amendment whichfreed the slaves from plantations, but at the same time provided slavelabor via the prison system and began the mass incarceration thatcontinues today. The film explores the “intersection of race, justice and mass incarceration in the United States. “Powerful, infuriating… Ava DuVernay’s documentary ‘13TH’ will getyour blood boiling… Electrifying.” –THE NEW YORK TIMES Information: 466-1192

Ukraine on Fire

Film: “Ukraine on Fire”
Thursday, August 3
6:30 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

Ukraineon Fire, (2017, 95 minutes), Ukraine on Fire by Igor Lopatonok andproduced by Oliver Stone, provides a historical perspective for thedeep divisions in the region which lead to overthrow of democraticallyelected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people’s revolution,it was in fact a coup d’état scripted and staged by nationalist groupsand the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parryreveals how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emergedsince the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting America’s geopoliticalagenda abroad. A discussion will follow the film. Information: 466-1192

Tuesday, June 20, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware Ave, Delmar, Bethlehem Nghbors For Peace General Meeting, Followup on the May 21 March and Rally in Albany. We will also discusssummer activities, and discuss having similar Rally and March ,possibly in September. Information: 466-1192

National Bird

Film: “National Bird”
Thursday, July 13
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

NationalBird, (2016, 92 minutes), follows the dramatic journey ofwhistleblowers who are determined to break the silence around one ofthe most controversial issues of our time: the secret U.S. drone war. To many in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world, America’s new national symbol is not the bald eagle, but a gray shadow overhead armed with Hellfire missiles. A discussion will follow the film. Information: 466-1192

Don't Bomb Syria

Talk by Stephen Gowans: Don’t Bomb Syria, Stop the Spread of War!
Sunday, July 16
1:30 – 3:30 pm
Bethlehem Town Hall (Rm 101)
445 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

Hear Canadian author Stephen Gowans, author of “Washington’s Long War on Syria” talk about his book and the situation in Syria today. Information: 466-1192


Joe Lombardo on his Trip to the May 2017 NATO Meeting
Wednesday, June 7
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

Like Donald Trump, Joe Lombardo will be traveling to Brussels, Belgium for the NATO Meeting at the end of May. Joe, will not have the same agenda that Trump has, and he will not be speaking to the NATO conference. Joe will be speaking at the International Counter Summit, where they will be discussing strategies of the peace movement against NATO, nuclear arms, and the never ending wars. A discussion will follow Joe’s talk. Information: 466-1192
Wednesday, May 10, 9:30 AM Gather, 12:30 PM Rally, Capitol Park, Washington & Swan St. , Albany. Unite for Parole and Prison Justice: A Day of Advocacy and Action, Parole reform now! Raise the age of crinimal responsibility. End the torture of solitary confinement. Close Rikers. Close Attica. Access to education and the right to vote. Protect domestic violence survivors facing prosecution. Reduce sentences. Firgh for racial justice, community empowerment and the end to state violence! Sponsored and Supported by: Challenging Incarceration, Parole Justice NY. Endorsed by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Facebook link


BNPFundraiser: Pot Luck Dinner & Play, “The Predator- A PassionPlay for the Drone Era” with playwright Jack Gilroy
Friday, May 5
Pot luck dinner at 6:00 pm, Program begins at 7:00 pmPeace_Beach
Delmar Reformed Church
386 Delaware Ave, Delmar

We will begin the evening with a pot luck dinner at 6:00 pm. Please join us, and bring a pot luck dish to share. The program will begin at 7:00 pm. Adonation of $10 is requested. $2 for students. Play to beperformed: “The Predator” by Jack Gilroy – A Passion Play for the DroneEra. Playwright, Jack Gilroy, will lead a discussion after the playand answer questions. The play is approximately 40 minutes long,and revolves around a college student and some questions she isbeginning to raise about her country’s conduct in the world, and whather own response should be. The other characters in the play are: thestudent’s Air Force officer mother, a U.S. senator, and an antiwaractivist. Women Against War Presents: HUMANIZE, NOT MILITARIZE posters will also be on display. We will have a few locally crafted items for sale, including apainting by a local artist, and 3 wall hangings from the “Peace”series, by Trudy Quaif. All of the proceeds will go to BNPto fund future events. Join us! Please RSVP if possible with then number of people who will be attending and if possible, include what dish you will be bringing for the pot luck dinner. Thanks. Send the email to Trudy at: [email protected] If you can be there to help set up and/or help clean up, please email Trudy. Questions: 466-1192.


Film: “Greedy Lying Bastards”
Wednesday, May 3
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY

GreedyLying Bastards, (2013, 94 minutes), iinvestigates the reasons behindstalled efforts to tackle climate change despite the consensus in thescientific community that it is not only a reality but a growingproblem, placing us on the brink of disaster. The film details the people and organizations casting doubt on climate science and claims that greenhouse gases are not affected by human behavior. From the Koch Brothers to ExxonMobil, to oil industry front groups, to prominent politicians and Justices, this provocative exposé unravels the layers of deceit threatening democracy and the ability for future generations to survive on planet earth. A discussion will follow the film. Information: 466-1192


Film: “Disruption”
Saturday, April 29, 7:30 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)

The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District continues its film series with the screening of “Disruption” (2014, 52 minutes). Focused on the crisis of climate change, this documentary looks at the scientific findings, the self-interested response of corporations, and the stalled political process that have brought the world to an ecological crossroads. The film also examines the growing popular movement to save the planet, including the organizing of the People’s Climate March of 2014 during the UN’s world climate summit. It features appearances by Naomi Klein, James Hansen, Bill McKibben, Chris Hayes, Naomi Oreskes, Van Jones, Rajendra Pachouri, and many other individuals who explore one of the great issues of our time. Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, the Social Justice Center, and Upper Hudson Peace Action, the film screening will take place in Channing Hall of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information: 518-466-1192


Monday, April 17, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Diplomacy, NOT Endless War”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. Joinus in opposing Trump’s war agenda. Trump’sescalation of the wars in Afghanistan and Syria, and his threatsof war with North Korea, are making us less safe every day.Please bring a sign. Sign suggestions: “NO World War 3”, “Peace”, “Endthe Escalation of Wars”, “Stop the Bombing of Syria &Afghanistan”, “Diplomacy, NOT WAR”, “NO WAR WITH NORTH KOREA” . Stay for a few minutes or an hour. Let’s stand together for peace and justice. 518-466-1192 for further information. Join us!



Friday, April 7, 7:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy,NY. Runaway Inequality: How bad is it and what we can do about it. The James Connolly Forum continues with LesLeopold, who will give a talk about his current book, “RunawayInequality: An Activist’s Guide to Economic Justice (LaborInstitute Press 2015) Les Leopold is also the author of How to Make a Million Dollars anHour: Why Financial Elites get away with siphoning off America’s Wealth; The Looting of America: How Wall Street’s Game of Fantasy Financedestroyed our Jobs, Pensions and Prosperity, and What We Can Do AboutIt, , The Man Who Hated Work and Loved Labor: The Life and Times ofTony Mazzocchi. The Mazzocchi story won the Independent Publisher Awardfor best biography.Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge forRte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts., Parking on lefton 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use thedoor facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed andstudents :more information: 518 407 3582.

Larry Wittner

Larry Wittner: “A Nuclear Arms Race or a Nuclear-Free World?”
Thursday, April 6, 7:00 – 8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054

Larry Wittner will give a talk titled: “A Nuclear Arms Race or a Nuclear-Free World?” Description: Currently, all the nuclear powers are engaged in their latest nuclear weapons buildup, with the U.S. government alone spending $1 trillion on nuclear “modernization.” This nuclear arms race is being challenged this spring by UN negotiations to ban nuclear weapons. Which will prevail? A discussion will follow Larry’s presentation. Larry Wittner is Professor of History emeritus at the State University of New York/Albany. Larry is the author or editor of thirteen books, including Rebels Against War, The Biographical Dictionary of Modern Peace Leaders, Peace Action, Working for Peace and Justice, and the award-winning trilogy, The Struggle Against the Bomb, which is available in abbreviated form as Confronting the Bomb. His hundreds of published articles and book reviews have appeared in journals, magazines, newspapers, and online publications around the world. He has given lectures about peace and disarmament in dozens of nations, and has spoken about such issues at the Norwegian Nobel Institute and at the United Nations. Everyone is welcome. Information: 466-1192

Tuesday, April 4, 7:00 PM, Albany Medical College, Huyck Auditorium, Albany,NY. Film: Where Health Care is a Human Right Community Doctors: A Look Into Cuba’s Medical Scholarship Program. Sponsored by Albany Cuba Solidarity. Co-sponsored by BethlehemNeighbors for Peace Parking free along Madison Avenue or in the AMC Notre Dame Parking Lot off Holland Ave.. [email protected]

Monday, March 20, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “End the Escalation of Wars in Iraq, Yemen and Syria “, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. On the anniversary of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, we call for an end to the recent escalation in Iraq, Yemen and Syria. As you may know, Sunday is the anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. The US has recently increased its presence in Iraq with the attack on Mosul. Also, the US has recently increased its presence in Syria. The Syrian government has said that it does not want US troops in Syria and has called the recent US “boots on the ground” an invasion. The US has also had “boots on the ground” in Yemen and is responsible for many civilian death in recent weeks. The US has greatly increased its drone bombing in Yemen. They have also sent troops to Kuwait to be a rapid response force for the entire area. The US war in the area is escalating. Stay for a few minutes or an hour. Let’s stand together for peace and justice. Please bring a sign. Sign suggestions: “Peace”, “End the Escalation of Wars in Iraq, Yemen, and Syria”, “Love Trumps Hate!”, “Stop the Wars”, ” Stop the Drone Killings”. 518-466-1192 for further information. Join us!

Wednesday, March 22, 7:00 -9:00 pm, Bethlehem Town Hall,445 Delaware Ave, Delmar, BNP General Membership Meeting. Agenda- How Can We Stop the Trump agenda? , What kind of a Society would we like to live in? , What is next for the peace movement locally and globally? Ideas for upcoming events and actions. Current events discussion. Information: 466-1192


Wednesday, March 22, 7:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy, NY. The Red and the Green: the Struggle for Ireland’s Workers’ Republic 100 Years On. Ronan Burtenshaw will give a talk. Ronan Burtenshaw is the Europe Editor for Jacobin Magazine and edited their Irish issue on the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising last year. He is a former researcher and political organiser in Dáil Éireann and representative of the youth section of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, and is active in the Right2Water movement. He is based in DublinSponsored by The James Connolly Forum. Co-Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts., Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students More information: 518 407 3582.

Tom Ellis

Tom Ellis: Reflections on his February 2017 trip to Palestine/Israel
Wednesday, March 1, 7:00 – 8:45 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054

TomEllis will talk about his February trip to Palestine/Israel. Tomis a leader in several social justice groups including the PalestinianRights Committee of Upper Hudson Peace Action. He has played animportant role in many successful environmental campaigns includingblocking the siting of a low-level’ radioactive waste disposalfacility in rural New York, preventing the destruction of rivers inCanada, creating the community pressure that led the federal governmentto clean up the former NL Industries factory in Colonie where depleteduranium weapons were manufactured, preventing the City of Albany fromsiting a landfill in Coeymans, helping preserve a 39-member AlbanyCounty Legislature, and educating the public about the just cause ofthe Palestinians. Tom is also a member of Save the Pine Bush and theSolidarity Committee of the Capital District and he regularlycontributes articles to their newsletters. Questions and answers willfollow his talk. Everyone is welcome. Information: 466-1192


“Fascism and Populist Authoritarianism”
Thursday, February 2
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054

Teresa Meade and Andor Skotnes will give a talk titled “Fascism and Populist Authoritarianism”. The presentation will be aconsideration of the nature of authoritarian and fascist movements andregimes, drawing especially on the experiences of the Americas, inlight of our current situation. Brief presentations will be followed byopen discussion. Andor Skotnes has taught history of the Americas andSociology at Russell Sage College in Troy for a quarter century. He researches and writes on racial ethnicity and class, is a member ofthe Editorial Collective of Radical History Review, and has long beeninvolved in a number of social movements. Teresa Meade has taught LatinAmerican history at Union College for nearly 30 years, specializing insocial movements, labor and gender studies. She is the author andeditor of many books on Latin America, a member of the EditorialCollective of Radical History Review, President of the Board ofTrustees of the Journal of Women’s History, and a longtime activist insupport of social justice. Spoonsored by Bethlehem Neighbors forPeace. Information: 518-466-1192 Facebook

Monday, January 30, 5:00 – 6:00 pm,BNP Vigil: “Stand with Our Muslim Friends & Neighbors”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. Stayfor a few minutes or an hour. Let’s stand together forpeace and justice. Please bring a sign. Sign suggestions:”Say No to Racism”, “SAY NO to Islamophobia”, “Love TrumpsHate!”, “Not My President”, ” Religious Persecution is not anAmerican Value” 518-466-1192 for further information. Join us!


Film: “The Brother from Another Planet”
Saturday, January 28, 7:30 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus)
TheSolidarity Committee of the Capital District presents “TheBrother from Another Planet” (1984, 104 minutes). This classicfilm by award-winning director John Sayles portrays an escapedslave from another planet who takes refuge in New York City’s Harlem. Part science fiction and part subtle comedy, “The Brotherfrom Another Planet” serves in many ways as an allegory forAmerica’s immigrant experience. Today, as the United Statesconfronts the Trump administration’s plan to deport millions ofimmigrants and to bar entry of others because of their religionor national origin, the film raises the issue of who should beviewed as an undesirable outsider in this country ofoutsiders. Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace,the Social Justice Center, and Upper Hudson Peace Action, thefilm screening will take place in Channing Hall of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue(across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend Information: 518-466-1192



Thursday, January 26, 7:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy,NY. Remakingan American City: RPA Takes on Chevron, How the Richmond Progressive Alliance took on the Chevron Corporation and Won. Steve Early on his new book at the James Connolly Forum. SteveEarly chronicles the ten years of successful community organizing inRichmond that raised the minimum wage, defeated a casino developmentproject, created a municipal ID to aid undocumented workers, challengedhome foreclosures, and took on a big oil giant. Here we meet a dynamiccast of characters—from 94-year-old Betty Reid Soskin, the country’soldest full-time National Park Ranger and witness to Richmond’s complexhistory, Gayle McLaughlin, the city’s first Green Party mayor who ledthe movement to sue Chevron—and won, to former police chief ChrisMagnus, who pioneered “community policing” in Richmond, and is nowcelebrated as one of the country’s most effective policereformers. Sponsored by The James ConnollyForum. Co-Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge forRte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts., Parking on lefton 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use thedoor facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed andstudents More information: 518 407 3582.

Saturday, January 21, 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm, 1199/SEIU Greater New York Education Center, 155 Washington Ave., Albany, NY, Inaugurate Resistance Day of Action: Kick-off to 100 Days of Resistance, InaugurateResistance Day of Action: Kick-off to 100 Days of Resistance. OnJanuary 21, 2017, the Capital District will kick-off 100 Days ofResistance with an inclusive Day of Action which will highlight thepower of the people and the resistance to hate, bigotry and oppression.There will be a training and opportunity to take action with our firstworkshop at 12noon! There will be additional workshops starting12:30pm & 2:00pm. The march will leave at 4:00pm from 155Washington Ave and conclude at the West Capitol Park at the NYS Capitolwith a rally and speak out. Join the resistance against a Trump agendafilled with racism, poverty, bigotry, sexism and all forms ofoppression and hate. How do we fight back against a Trump agenda?TOGETHER! Current Co-sponsors include: Albany County Central Federationof Labor, Amnesty International USA, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace,Bernie Sanders Network of the Capital Region, Capital DistrictCoalition Against Islamophobia, Citizen Action of New York, In Our OwnVoices, Jewish Voice for Peace, Albany Chapter, Mayor Kathy Sheehan,New York Civil Liberties Union Capital Region Chapter, New YorkProgressive Action Network, New York State Nurses Association, NorthStar Interfaith Peace Walk, Obama Democracy Club, Palestinian RightsCommittee, Planned Parenthood Mohawk Hudson, Pride Center of theCapital Region, Robert F Kennedy Democrats of the Capital Region,Saratoga Unites, Schenectady Federation of Teachers, SolidarityCommittee, Upper Hudson Peace Action, Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood,Women Against War, Working Families Party. To join in, email: Jamaicaat [email protected] Facebook Link


Standing With Our Muslim Neighbors
Thursday, January 5
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Bethlehem Public Library
451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY 12054

Fazana Saleem-Ismail, Shamshad Ahmad, Lynne Jackson, Jeanne Finley and Steve Downs will join us for a discussion about how we can support our Muslim friends and neighbors during the Trump presidency. Fazana Saleem-Ismail, who has co-organized several “Ask a Muslim” events and conducted talks on Islam, will be available to answer basic questions about the religion and to discuss the impact of outreach efforts. Shamshad Ahmad is author of the book: Rounded Up: Artificial Terrorists and Muslim Entrapment After 9/11. Lynne Jackson is one of the founders of Project SALAM. Jeanne Finley is active in the Muslim Solidarity Committee and Project SALAM, and worked on the anti-Islamophobia resolutions for the Albany Common Council and Albany County Legislature. Steve Downs is also one of the founders of Project SALAM and a local attorney. Please join us if you would like to find out more about the Muslim religion, and learn how we can support our Muslim friends and neighbors. A discussion will follow the presentation. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Photo taken by Jon Flanders at Townsend Park, Albany, Rally on 11/19/16. Information: 466-1192