Wednesday, October 28, 4:00- 5:30 PM, BNP Meeting on Zoom: Black Lives Matter, the pandemic, the vigil and the election. During this period of physical distancing, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace has moved on-line. Our program will be an on-line meeting where we will have a discussion of current events, and suggestions for how we address these issues that are rapidly changing our own lives, and our country. Join us in this zoom meeting for an opportunity to share your ideas and consider how we can move ahead in our efforts to promote peace and justice. See statement from Joe Lombardo below. Please join us. Information: 518-466-1192
Saturday July 25, 2:00 PM, Fight white Supremacy at Home and Imperialism Abroad, Rally at Townsend Park (Central Ave. & Henry Johnson Blvd., Albany). With our country facing a tidal wave of righteous rage against racist police murders, it’s the right time to stand up against U.S. military and economic violence being used to impose this SAME SYSTEM OF WHITE SUPREMACY by force on the rest of the world — the system called IMPERIALISM! At this moment when an uprising led by millions of Black youth is challenging the roots of racism/white supremacy at home, the U.S. is continuing its economic and military aggression and destruction against countries around the world where Black and other people of color live. Murderous U.S. economic sanctions are causing untold suffering in more than 30 nations including Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran; there are MORE THAN 800 U.S. military bases in 70 countries; and U.S. troops, bombs, and drones are killing people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and more.
Cuba has led the world in standing up to U.S. bullying for 60 years! In defiance of a deadly U.S. economic blockade, Cuba is sending brigades of doctors around the world to help fight Covid-19. Come out to celebrate resistance on July 26, the anniversary of the beginning of the Cuban Revolution in 1953!
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Sponsors: Albany Cuba Solidarity, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Upper Hudson Green Party, Jewish Voice for Peace, Capital District Coalition Against Islamophobia, Capital Area Against Mass Incarceration, RAPP (Release Aging People in Prison), Socialist Workers Party, Capital District Socialist Party of New York, Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, Party for Socialism and Liberation – Albany
Monday, August 3, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “No More Hiroshimas”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. During the final stage of World War
II, the United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. We must never forget. Bring your own signs or use one of ours. Possible signs: “Ban Nuclear Weapons Now”, “Hiroshima, Never Again!” “Retire the Bomb,” “Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki”, and “Stop the Arms Race” Stay for a few minutes or an hour. 51
8-466-1192 for further information. Join us! Due to the pandemic, please wear a face covering and practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while attending this vigil. Thank you.
Thursday, July 16 at 2:00 pm Eastern/11 am Pacific , The Embassy Protection Collective invites you to an important virtual meeting: “Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States” . Representatives of social movements in Venezuela and the United States will discuss current US and allied interventions against Venezuela and concrete ways we can build greater solidarity to end US imperialism.
The four Embassy Protection Collective members who were arrested inside the embassy last year will also speak on the call. Watch a video of them speaking about the experience and why we must build solidarity:
Tuesday, June 23, 7:00- 8:30 PM, BNP Meeting on Zoom: Black Lives Matter, the pandemic, the economy and the future of activism . During this period of physical distancing, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace has moved on-line with the monthly forums and films that we would usually have at the Bethlehem Library. This month, our program will be a on-line meeting where we will have a discussion of current events, and suggestions for how we address these issues that are rapidly changing our own lives, and our country. Join us in this “zoom” meeting for an opportunity to share your ideas and consider how we can move ahead in our efforts to promote peace and justice. Please join us. Information: 518-281-1968
Saturday, June 6, 11:00 – 1:00 pm, James Connolly Forum Online with Mike Stout, Mike Stout is the author of “Homestead Steel Mill- the Final Ten Years: USWA Local 1397 and the Fight for Union Democracy” Facebook Link
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 823 0614 3280 Password: 468583 One tap mobile +19292056099,,82306143280#,,1#,468583# US (New York) +13017158592,,82306143280#,,1#,468583# US (Germantown) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 823 0614 3280 Password: 468583 Find your local number:
Thursday, April 30, 7:00 PM, Join the webinar: Capital District goes to the border to support immigrants. During this period of physical distancing, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace has moved on-line with the monthly forums and films that we would usually have at the Bethlehem Library.
This month our program will be a report back from 3 people from the Capital District who were part of a delegation to the Mexico border to support migrants who are being denied entry into the US. The Capital District Border Watch Committee. To be part of this webinar, you need to register at this link.
When you register with this link, you will receive an email telling you how to get onto the webinar from your computer or phone. The three speakers will be Peggy Kaufman, Gail Golderman and Steve Converse. There will be opportunities for questions at the end of the presentation. Please join us. Information: Joe Lombardo 518-281-1968
Friday, May 1, 4:00 PM,Lincoln Park,Albany. Join the May Day Car Caravan Bring a sign for your car, if possible. Since 1999 the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District has taken the lead in organizing a May Day celebration. Many other groups have actively supported this action and this year is no different, except for one thing – A CAR CARAVAN. Given the danger of COVID-19, a car caravan will take place with signs and loud speakers on FRIDAY, MAY 1 at 4 pm. Cars will gather in Lincoln Park, just past the Governor’s mansion and proceed past the Capital, the Albany VA, Albany Medical Center and St. Peter’s Hospital. Celebrant’s will be highlighting health and safety concerns as well as on-going labor issues, environmental, educational, immigration, housing, voting rights, criminal justice, anti-war and anti-nuclear, and the future of the 99 percent. Join us on this international worker’s holiday.
Monday, March 16, 5:00 – 5:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Sanctions Kill”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar.Sanctions are imposed by the United States and its junior partners against countries that resist their agendas. They are a weapon of Economic War, resulting in chronic shortages of basic necessities, economic dislocation, chaotic hyperinflation, artificial famines, disease, and poverty. In every country, the poorest and the weakest – infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly – suffer the worst impact of sanctions. International Days of Action Against Sanctions and Economic War. March 13 – 15, 2020 Possible Signs: Sanctions Kill! Sanctions are War! End Sanctions Now! Join us! Information: 518-466-1192
Thursday, March 5, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. Talk by Teresa Meade and Andor Skotnes on their Fall 2019 Semester in Vietnam. Teresa Meade and Andor Skotnes spent the Fall 2019 semester in Vietnam. They will each give a separate 20 minute presentation, followed by questions and discussion. Teresa Meade will talk about seeing Vietnam through the eyes of the students, or people who are 19-21 years old and for whom the Vietnam War is something they have heard of, but know very little about. Andor Skotnes

will discuss being in Vietnam as a former anti-war US protester, and in fact a youthful supporter of the Vietnamese struggle, and about his perceptions of the fate of the revolution and socialism.
Teresa Meade is the Florence B. Sherwood Professor of History and Culture at Union College, where she teaches Latin American and Caribbean history, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, and courses on inequality and socialism. She is the author of several books and many articles on the history of Latin America, Brazil, US imperialism in Cuba, Central America and the Caribbean. She is on the editorial

collect of Radical History Review, former president of the Journal of Women’s History, and participant in Historians for Peace and Democracy, and Democracy. Andor Skotnes has been a professor of history at the Sage Colleges in Troy and Albany for nearly thirty years. He teaches and writes on recent U.S. social and cultural history–especially African-American and working class struggle. He also teaches Native American history, the 30s and the 60s in the US, oral history, and South African history. He is on the executive committee of Historians for Peace and Democracy and the editorial collective of Radical History Review. Everyone is welcome. Information: 518-466-1192 Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Facebook Link
Monday, February 24, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Free Julian Assange”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is fighting a legal battle against his extradition to the United States, will only be given an hour to review the evidence that will be presented by the prosecution against him in the next hearing scheduled on January 23. The full extradition trial begins on February 25. The trial will decide whether or not he is to be extradited to stand trial in the US on multiple federal charges of espionage, that may carry a total of 175 years of maximum prison sentence. Possible signs: “Free Julian Assange!”, “Solidarity With Julian Assange”, “No To Internet Censorship” Join us! Information: 518-466-1192
Friday, January 24, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th Street, Troy, NY. Save the Date: James Connolly Forum with Jodi Dean on her new book, “Comrade: An Essay on Political Belonging”. In the twentieth century, millions of people across the globe addressed each other as “comrade”. Now, among the left, it’s more common to hear talk of “allies”. In Comrade, Jodi Dean insists that this shift exemplifies the key problem with the contemporary left: the substitution of political identity for a relationship of political belonging that must be built, sustained, and defended. Jodi Dean teaches political, feminist, and media theory in Geneva, NY. She has written or edited thirteen books, including The Communist Horizon and Crowds and Party, both published by Verso.Hosted by James Connolly Forum. Co-sponsored by Capital District Democratic Socialists of America, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Capital District Socialist Party, James Connolly Social Club, Upper Hudson Green Party. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students more information: 518 407 3582
Saturday, January 25, 11:00 – 12:00 PM, Townsend Park, Albany, NY. Antiwar Protest and Rally. Join people, communities, groups and organizations from across the Capital District and beyond as we join the Global Day of Protest on Saturday, January 25, at 11:00 a.m. at Townsend Park in Albany. We are a broad representation of individuals and organizations from the Capital Region of New York State, working for all kinds of justice – economic, racial, gender, social, climate, peace, immigration, and more. We come together for justice to say unequivocally that we oppose war against Iran and all wars of imperialist domination and aggression.
“If we do not act for peace, we shall surely be dragged down the long, dark, and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who possess power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Register and receive more information at:
Co-sponsored by Citizen Action of New York, NYS Poor People’s Campaign, Labor Coalition of NYS, NYS council of Churches, Capital District Coalition Against Islamophobia, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Facebook Link
Monday, January 13, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “NO MORE U.S. TROOPS TO IRAQ OR THE MIDDLE EAST and U.S. OUT OF IRAQ NOW! NO WAR/NO SANCTIONS ON IRAN”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. President Trump’s decision to kill Commander Soleimani has substantially increased the risk of a war with Iran.More than a
million Iraqis have died during the past 28 years as a consequence of U.S. occupation, bombings, and sanctions. Tens of thousands of U.S. troops have either been killed or suffered life-changing wounds. The U.S. government has spent more than $3 trillion dollars in the on-going occupation and bombing of this oil-rich country. Instead of taking the U.S. out of this endless war, Trump is building U.S. forces in the region and threatening a war with Iran. Possible signs: “NO MORE U.S. TROOPS TO IRAQ”, “US OUT OF IRAQ”, “NO WAR/NO SANCTIONS ON IRAN” Join us! Information: 518-466-1192
Thursday, January 9, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. Film: “The Edge of Democracy” The Edge of Democracy (2019, 121 minutes) is a Brazilian documentary film directed by Petra Costa. The film follows the unraveling of two Brazilian presidencies. The film attempts to analyze the rise and fall of both presidents and the consequent sociopolitical upheavals that then swept the country. “Costa manages to craft an intimate primer about the state’s descent into populism and the fraying of the country’s democratic fabric.” Leslie Felperin of The Guardian (4 stars). Everyone is welcome. Information: 466-1192 Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Facebook Link
Sunday, January 5, 12 NOON, Townsend Park, Albany. NO WAR WITH IRAN ! Protest of the assassination of a foreign leader and general US imperialism. Sponsored by the Capital District Socialist Party and co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and Upper Hudson Green Party. Information: Dan Kelly [email protected] Facebook Link
Monday, January 6, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “NO MORE U.S. TROOPS TO IRAQ OR THE MIDDLE EAST and U.S. OUT OF IRAQ NOW! NO WAR/NO SANCTIONS ON IRAN”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. President Trump’s decision to kill Commander Soleimani has just substantially increased the risk of a war with Iran. In addition, in response to the massive protests in Iraq following the latest U.S. aerial assault that killed scores of Iraqis, Donald Trump has ordered 750 more U.S. troops to the Middle East and potentially 3,000 more. This is in addition to the 5,200 already in Iraq to push the U.S. agenda against Iran. Every U.S. president over the last 28 years has ordered the bombing of Iraq. The decision by Donald Trump and the Pentagon to launch new air assaults against Iraqis in the past week ignited nationwide resistance by Iraqis who want to reclaim their full sovereignty and don’t want Iraq to be used in a U.S. war on Iran. More than a
million Iraqis have died during the past 28 years as a consequence of U.S. occupation, bombings, and sanctions. Tens of thousands of U.S. troops have either been killed or suffered life-changing wounds. The U.S. government has spent more than $3 trillion dollars in the on-going occupation and bombing of this oil-rich country. Instead of taking the U.S. out of this endless war, Trump is building U.S. forces in the region and threatening a war with Iran. Possible signs: “NO MORE U.S. TROOPS TO IRAQ”, “US OUT OF IRAQ”, “NO WAR/NO SANCTIONS ON IRAN” National Day of Protest (Saturday, 1/4/2020) has been called for by a number of groups including UNAC, Code Pink, ANSWER, Popular Resistance, World Beyond War and others . Join us! Information: 518-466-1192
Thursday, December 5, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. Tom Ellis Talk on “Canadian Hydroelectricity Imports, Jobs and Climate Chaos”. Tom Ellis is a leader in several social justice groups including the Palestinian Rights Committee of Upper Hudson Peace Action. He has played an important role in many successful environmental campaigns including blocking the siting of a low-level’ radioactive waste disposal facility in rural New York, preventing the destruction of rivers in Canada, creating the community pressure that led the federal government to clean up the former NL Industries factory in Colonie, preventing the City of Albany from siting a landfill in Coeymans, helping preserve a 39-member Albany County Legislature, and educating the public about the just cause of the Palestinians. Tom is also a member of Save the Pine Bush and the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District and he regularly contributes articles to their newsletters. Questions and answers will follow his talk. Everyone is welcome. Information: 466-1192 Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Facebook Link
Friday, December 6, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th Street, Troy, NY. Save the Date: James Connolly Forum with Moise St. Louis. Professor St. Louis is the Associate Dean of Students and Director of Multicultural Student Services at St Micheal’s College and a member of the Haitian community of Vermont. The New Yorker recently had an article on Haiti by Jon Lee Anderson. The Republic of Haiti is suffering a meltdown. It has been for decades, but lately things have got much worse. Severe energy shortages, harsh levels of inflation, and sharp price increases have ignited public anger over suspected official corruption, and led to widespread demonstrations calling for the resignation of President Jovenel Moïse, a businessman who came to power in 2017. The protests, now in their sixth week, have virtually shut down the capital of Port-au-Prince, with schools, gas stations, and most other businesses closed; streets blocked by barricades of burning tires; and looting and arson attacks breaking out every few days. More information soon. Hosted by James Connolly Forum. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students more information: 518 407 3582
Saturday, November 23, 7:30 pm, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus) Screening of “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons”(2019, 56 minutes). Ever wondered when the nations of the world would finally get together to end the existential threat of nuclear war? If so, you’ll find an answer in the Solidarity Committee’s screening of “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons” on Saturday, November 23, at 7:30 PM. This documentary tells the little-known story of how, in July 2017, an overwhelming majority of the world’s nations defied the nine nuclear powers by voting at a UN conference to adopt the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Through the voices of leading antinuclear activists and diplomats from around the world, the film recounts the efforts to bring this treaty into existence and what remains to be done to make it international law. The film-screening is co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, the Social Justice Center, and Upper Hudson Peace Action. It will take place in Room B-8 of the . Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Thursday, November 14, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY . Film Showing: Imprisoning a Generation (2018, 51 minutes). Imprisoning a Generation is a documentary film that follows the stories of four young Palestinians who have been detained and imprisoned under the Israeli military and political systems. Their perspectives, along with the voices of their families, combine to form a lens into the entangled structures of oppression that expand well beyond the prison walls. Discussion will follow the film. Co-sponsored by Palestinian Rights Committee and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Official FilmTrailer Information: 518-466-1192
Friday, October 25, 7:00- 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY, “Extinction Rebellion and Climate Change”. Benjamin Wang will give an overview of the Extinction Rebellion, a movement trying to address Climate Change. Pippa Bartolotti, will give us a first hand account of the Extinction Rebellion developments in Europe. Benjamin Wang, from Extinction Rebellion in Troy, will share the latest climate science on where our planet is heading, discuss some of the current psychology around climate change, and offer solutions through the study of social movements. Pippa Bartolotti, former leader of the Green Party in Wales, and a long time activist, will give a summary of the Extinction Rebellion movement in Europe, where it started. This is our chance to find out more about Extinction Rebellion and learn how we can all be more involved in addressing Climate Change. The planet is in ecological crisis: we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction event this planet has experienced. Scientists believe we may have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown. This is an emergency. Join Us! All are welcome. Hosted by Extinction Rebellion, Capital Region. Co-Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: Pippa Bartolotti at 518-917-3298. Facebook Link
Monday, October 7, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Stop the Militarization of Space”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. October 5-12 is “Keep Space for Peace” week. There will be an international week of protests. Bring your own signs or use one of ours. Possible signs: “Stop the Militarization of Space”, “No Space Force”. Stay for a few minutes or an hour. Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and Tom Paine Chapter of Veterans for Peace. Other Sponsors include: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, March on the Pentagon: Rage Against the War Machine, No to War – No to NATO, US Peace Council, Veterans For Peace, Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, 518-466-1192 for further information. Join us! Save Space for Peace Week Poster 2019
Thursday, October 3, 6:30- 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY . Film Showing: “El Che”(2017, 119 minutes). Spanish-Mexican writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II retraced the steps of Ernesto Che Guevara. El Che recounts Che’s early beginnings in Argentina; his travels around several countries in South America when he was a medical student and his encounters with political repression in Guatemala. Guevara escaped to Mexico. It is there that Guevara met Fidel Castro and after a long conversation about politics, Latin America and Cuba, the two establish a bond that will last until they oust dictator Fulgencio Batista in Cuba. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: 518- 466-1192
Monday, September 30, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Hands Off Kashmir”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. In August, the Indian government revoked the longstanding autonomy of the contested area of Kashmir. They arrested thousands of people, cut off phone and internet services to millions of people and imposed a curfew. Indian Prime Minister Modi, who heads a right-wing Hindu nationalist party has been implicated in the past of Massacres of Muslims. It is feared that this attack on the largely Muslim area of Kashmir may lead to another massacre. Yet the US media is largely ignoring this situation. Please join Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace at our vigil on Monday to demand “Hands off Kashmir”. Stay for a few minutes or an hour. 518-466-1192 for further information.
Saturday, September 28, 7:30 PM, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District opens its 2019-2020 film series with the screening of a documentary, “Vieques: An Unfinished Battle” (2016, 68 minutes). Fringed by palm trees and lovely beaches, Vieques is a small Puerto Rican island with some 9,000 inhabitants that attracts substantial numbers of tourists. But for nearly six decades, Vieques served as a bombing range, military training site, and storage depot for the U.S. Navy, until the outraged residents rescued their homeland from military control. This film tells the remarkable story of this successful resistance, as well as the continuing struggle to safeguard the population from the massive pollution generated by the dropping of an estimated trillion pounds of munitions, including depleted uranium, on the tiny island. A post-film discussion will be led by Dr. Pedro Cabán, chair of the Department of Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies at SUNY/Albany. The film-screening is co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, New York Capital Region for Vieques, the Social Justice Center, and Upper Hudson Peace Action. It will take place in Channing Hall of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information: 518-466-1192
Thursday, September 5, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th Street, Troy, NY. Solidarity with Venezuela: Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese were two of the last four occupiers of the Washington DC Venezuelan embassy. They were attempting to keep the embassy out of the hands of the US-supported coup supporters. Physician Flowers and Attorney Zeese are the founders of Popular Resistance and longtime activists in the nation’s capital. Ike Nahem from the NY/NJ CubaSi coalition will chair the forum Co-Sponsored by: Bethlehem Neighbors For Peace, Capital District DSA, Capital District Socialist Party, The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, Albany Cuba Solidarity, Troy Area Labor Council AFL-CIO, Upper Hudson Green Party. Hosted by James Connolly Forum. Facebook Link Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students more information: 518 407 3582
Tuesday, September 3, 7:00- 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY . Film Showing: “The Age of Consequences”(2017, 80 minutes). Directed by Jared P. Scott, this film is an investigation of climate change impacts on increased resource scarcity, migration, and conflict. The film explores how water and food shortages, extreme weather, drought, and sea-level rise function as accelerants of instability and catalysts for conflict. New York Times Review of this film Information: 518- 466-1192
Thursday, August 22, 6:00 – 8:30 or 9:00 pm, Film: “The River and The Wall”, Bethlehem Public Library, community room, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY .The film will be of interest to anyone concerned about the environment and/or immigration. There is also a strong element of adventure/travelogue and breathtaking nature photography. “The River and the Wall follows five friends on an immersive adventure through the unknown wilds of the Texas borderlands as they travel 1200 miles from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico on horses, mountain bikes, and canoes.
Conservation filmmaker Ben Masters realizes the urgency of documenting the last remaining wilderness in Texas as the threat of new border wall construction looms ahead. Masters recruits NatGeo Explorer Filipe DeAndrade, ornithologist Heather Mackey, river guide Austin Alvarado, and conservationist Jay Kleberg to join him on the two-and-a-half-month journey down 1,200 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. They set out to document the borderlands and explore the potential impacts of a wall on the natural environment, but as the wilderness gives way to the more populated and heavily trafficked Lower Rio Grande Valley, they come face-to-face with the human side of the immigration debate and enter uncharted emotional waters.”
Postviewing discussion led by Aaron Mair. An opportunity to sign petitions related to environmental concerns and immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border region. The event is free-of-charge and open to the public. Co-sponsors include: Capital District Border Watch, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Peace Action, Albany Save the Pine Bush, Women Against War,Hudson-Mohawk Sierra Club. For more information, contact Carrie Kuehl [email protected] 518-453-0545.
Wednesday, August 7, 5:30 pm, Pine Hills branch of the Albany Public Library, 517 Western Avenue. Albany. Free screening of the new documentary, “The Nuns, The Priests, and The Bombs” (1 hour, 46 min). This film chronicles the lives of five religious peace activists, their acts of nonviolent civil disobedience, and their mission to eradicate weapons of mass destruction. A brief post-film discussion will be led by Larry Wittner, professor of history emeritus at SUNY/Albany. Everyone is welcome to attend. Sponsored by Upper Hudson Peace Action, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Veterans for Peace, Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, and Women Against War. For more information: contact: Larry Wittner ([email protected]).
Tuesday, August 6, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm, Townsend Park, Albany, NY. Reading of John Hersey’s “Hiroshima” . The event is free and open to the public and the public is encouraged to join in the reading. Those interested in reading can sign up to participate when they arrive. Please bring folding chairs. Rain site is the Social Justice Center, 33 Central Ave., Albany. On August 6, 1945 the United States of America used the atomic bomb for the first time to destroy the city of Hiroshima, Japan; on August 9, the U.S. used the atomic bomb again on Nagasaki, Japan. Over 200,000 people died immediately in the two bombings and over a hundred thousand more died in the following decades as a result of the effects of the radiation. Hiroshima by John Hersey tells the story of the bombing on August 6, 1945 by following the story of six of the survivors. The book version has been in print since 1946. Co-sponsored by the Poetry Motel Foundation, the Tom Paine Chapter Facebook Link
Monday, August 5, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Anniversary of the US Dropping Nuclear Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki”, at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. During the final stage of World War II, the United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. We must never forget. Bring your own signs or use one of ours. Possible signs: “Ban Nuclear Weapons Now”, “Hiroshima, Never Again!” “Retire the Bomb,” “Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki”, and “Stop the Arms Race” Stay for a few minutes or an hour. 518-466-1192 for further information. Join us!
Thursday, August 1, 7:00- 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar NY . Film Showing: “the bomb”(2016, 61 minutes). This experimental meditation on the destructive power of nuclear weapons provides a powerful examination of their role in the worlds history and culture, as well as lessons about violence and war that some people choose to ignore. Forgoing the usual talking head interviews or explanatory narration, The Bomb sweeps forward by relying on striking visual film footage, plus electronic minimalist music by The Acid. Information: 518- 466-1192
Monday, July 15, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “No War on Iran, No U.S. Coup in Venezuela, End the Sanctions and End the Wars. ” , at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. Please join us as we oppose the Trump administrations threats of war. Possible signs: “NO WAR ON IRAN”, “NO US COUP IN VENEZUELA”, “END THE WARS”, “HANDS OFF VENEZUELA”. Join us for a few minutes or an hour. Bring your own sign, or use one of ours. Information:518-466-1192.
Tuesday, July 9, 6:30 – 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY, Film: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964, 1 hr 43 minutes) . More commonly known simply as Dr. Strangelove, this film is a 1964 political satire black comedy, that satirizes the Cold War fears of a nuclear conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States. Directed by Stanley Kubrick, this classic film was produced at a time when the Cuban Missile Crisis was fresh in the viewers minds. This film about what could happen if the wrong person pushed the wrong button, is as timely today as it was in 1964. Information: 518-466-1192
Monday, June 17, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Capital District Latino Center, 160 Central Avenue, Albany. The Cuba Caravan is Coming. Program: Pot Luck and Speaker Gail Walker- Executive Director of IFCO/Pastors for Peace. You can say no to Trump’s new aggression toward Cuba. Stand with your Cuban Family! Save the Date. Co-Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: [email protected]
Friday, June 21, 7:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy, The James Connolly Forum: Working-Class Heroes A History of Struggle in Song: A Songbook. Mat Callahan and Yvonne Moore are back for the finale of the eighth year of the James Connolly Forum. They will be singing from and discussing their new book “Working Class Heroes” : A Song Book. If your organization is interested in co-sponsoring, let me know. Working-Class Heroes is an organic melding of history, music, and politics that demonstrates with remarkably colorful evidence that workers everywhere will struggle to improve their conditions of life. And among them will be workers who share an insight: in order to better our lot, we must act collectively to change the world. Carefully curated by Mat Callahan and Yvonne Moore, this profusely illustrated treasury of song sheets, lyrics, photographs, histories, and biographical sketches explores the notion that our best hope lies in the capacity of ordinary working people to awaken to the need to emancipate ourselves and all of humanity. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students :more information: 518 407 3582
Thursday , June 6, 7:00– 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. Talk by Joe Lombardo, Pippa Bartolotti and Moss Robeson on their trip to Odessa, Ukraine for the 5th Anniversary of the Odessa Massacre. On May 2, 2019 Odessa, Ukraine marked the 5th anniversary of tragic events on Kulikovo Field, where 48 people were killed, and over 250 were injured. Most died in Trade Union House, when it was set on fire. The people at the House of Trade Unions were holding a vigil to protest the US supported coup that took place in Maidan starting in late 2013. The massacre was carried out by right-wing, pro-fascist forces, many associated with the Right Sector, a coalition of pro-fascist organizations who had come to Odessa from throughout the country for a soccer match and used the opportunity to attack the protesters. “We are going to Odessa to express our solidarity with the Mothers Committee and to be international observers of the protest. The Mothers Committee is a committee of relatives of the victims that is organizing the protest. Each year on the anniversary of the massacre, the Mother’s Committee has organized a large mobilization to remember the victims and each year the extreme right-wing has threatened to attack it. “ ~ Joe Lombardo. Pippa, Moss and Joe, will talk about their trip and discuss the current situation. Pippa Bartolotti is a former leader of the Green Party in England and Wales. Moss Robeson is an aspiring journalist and historian who has spent the last few years doing original research on the history of the Ukrainian far-right and its role in transnational anticommunist and fascist networks during the Cold War, particularly in the United States. Joe Lombardo is the co-coordinator of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC). US Activists Plan to Call for Intl Probe of Odessa Massacre on 5th Anniversary Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: 518-466-1192.
Monday, June 3, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “NO WAR ON IRAN” , at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. Please join us as we oppose the Trump administrations threats of war against Iran, and his attempts to back Iran into a corner. Possible signs: “NO WAR ON IRAN”, “BOLTON WANTS TO LIE US INTO WAR WITH IRAN”, “SAY NO TO WAR ON IRAN ”, “TELL TRUMP NO WAR ON IRAN”. Join us for a few minutes or an hour. Bring your own sign, or use one of ours. Information:518-466-1192.
Thursday, May 30, 7:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy, The James Connolly Forum: NY.Gentrification and the Rise of the Real Estate State talk by Samuel Stein. Samuel Stein studies geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His writing on planning politics has been published by The Guardian, Jacobin, The Journal of Urban Affairs, Metropolitics, and many other magazines and journals.He is the author of “Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State,” out now from Verso books. Capital City investigates what Stein calls “the rise of the real estate state,” or the increasingly powerful faction of government that seeks to bend public policy toward ever-rising property values. The book is particularly concerned with the role of city planners in producing and perpetuating gentrification, and the ways planning might be reworked to produce more affordable and democratic urban spaces. Sponsored by: Bethlehem Neighbors For Peace, Troy Area Labor Council AFL-CIO, Capital District DSA. Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St. Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students more information: 518 407 3582 Facebook Link
Monday, May 20, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “NO WAR ON IRAN” , at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. Please join us as we oppose the Trump administrations threats of war against Iran, and his attempts to back Iran into a corner. Possible signs: “NO WAR ON IRAN”, “BOLTON WANTS TO LIE US INTO WAR WITH IRAN”, “SAY NO TO WAR ON IRAN ”, “TELL TRUMP NO WAR ON IRAN”. Join us for a few minutes or an hour. Bring your own sign, or use one of ours. Information:518-466-1192. Facebook Link
Saturday, May 18, 7:30 PM, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District continues its film series with the screening of an award-winning film, “The Killing Floor” (2016, 1 hour, 42 min.).The Killing Floor (1984, 113 minutes) is An Elsa Rassbach Production, Directed by Bill Duke Starring Damien Leake, Alfre Woodard, Denis Farina, Clarence Felder, Moses Gunn and John Mahoney. The film is a powerful historical drama set in the era of the Great Migration during World War One. Through the eyes of a black migrant to Chicago, Frank Custer, the film tells the little-known true story of the struggle to build an interracial labor union in the Stockyards in the face of brutal management efforts to divide workers that culminated in the Chicago Race Riot of 1919. The film-screening, co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, the Social Justice Center, and Upper Hudson Peace Action. Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information: 518-466-1192
Monday, May 6, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “US Hands off Venezuela and Cuba” , at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar. Please join us as we oppose the Trump administrations threats for a “full and complete boycott” of Cuba, and regime change in Venezuela. Bolton has said that as many as 20,000 Cubans troops are in Venezuela. Cuba denies this and says those people are medical workers and teachers. Possible signs: “Hands Off Venezuela & Cuba”, “No Coup, No War, No Sanctions”, “No Embargo on Cuba”. Bring your own sign if possible. Information:518-466-1192.
Thursday, May 2, 6:45– 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. May Day Film: Dolores (2017, 96 minutes) Dolores Huerta was an equal partner in founding the first farm workers union with César Chávez. She led the fight for racial and labor justice, and she continues the fight to this day, in her late 80s. Peter Bratt’s film Dolores chronicles Huerta’s life from her childhood in Stockton, California to her early years with the United Farm Workers, from her work with the headline-making grape boycott launched in 1965 to her role in the feminist movement of the ’70s, to her continued work as an activist. A Carlos Santana Production. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: 518-466-1192.
Saturday, April 13, 7:30 PM, Rooms B-3 and B-4 (basement level) of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus). The Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, in co-sponsorship with the Old Chatham Friends Meeting, continues its film series with the screening of an award-winning documentary, “A Bold Peace” (2016, 1 hour, 42 min.). Over 70 years ago, Costa Rica became one of the only nations in the world to disband its military and to redirect its national resources to education, health, and the environment. The result has been a marked improvement in these vital areas, with Costa Rica now ranked as one of the happiest nations on earth. In “A Bold Peace,” pointed parallels and contrasts are made with public policy and life in the United States. After the showing of the film, Dr. Joseph Olejak of the Old Chatham Friends Meeting will lead a discussion of the issues the film raises. The film-screening, also co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, the Social Justice Center, and Upper Hudson Peace Action. Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information: 518-466-1192
Tuesday, April 9, 7:00– 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. Talk by Joe Lombardo on his trip to Venezuela. Joe Lombardo traveled to Venezuela in mid-March, as part of a U.S. Peace delegation. The group of peace activists held a press conference at the UN prior to leaving and spent over a week in Venezuela. During their visit they met with President Maduro, and groups of Venezuelan people to let them know that there are people in the US, such as the US antiwar movement, who support them and call for no intervention by the US. Joe will talk about his trip and the developments in Venezuela. “The US is not finished with its bloody regime change plans for Venezuela. As long as there is oil in the ground and a Venezuelan government that thinks the oil should benefit the Venezuelan people and not the US banks, the US will continue to push for regime change.” ~Joe Lombardo, 2/27/19 (at UN, press conference) Link to UN Press Conference To donate to UNAC to help pay for the trip to Venezuela. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: 518-466-1192.
Monday, March 18, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “New Zealand Mosques Solidarity Vigil” , at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves., Delmar, NY. This will be a solidarity vigil in the wake of the deadly shootings at two mosques in New Zealand, that claimed the lives of 50 people and injured several others. Please join us Monday, and stand against right wing extremists. Possible sign messages: “Solidarity with our Muslim Neighbors”, “Stand Against Hate”, “Solidarity with New Zealand Mosques” , “No to Islamophobia ” Co-sponsored by Coalition Against Islamophobia and Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Facebook Link Information: 518-466-1192
Thursday, March 7, 6:30 – 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. Film: Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 (2018, 2hrs, 8 minutes). Michael Moore predicted that Donald Trump would become the 45th president of the United States. To produce this film, he traveled across the country, interviewing American citizens to get a sense of the social, economic and political impact of Trump’s victory. Moore also takes an in-depth look at voting, the Electoral College, the government agenda, the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., and the water crisis in his hometown of Flint, Mich. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: 518-466-1192.
Kathy Kelly in the Capital Region: February 28-March 3, Kathy Kelly, from Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Visits Capital Region. Kathy Kelly, long-term peace activist and co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence ( ), has been invited by Women Against War to speak on the endless wars in places such as Afghanistan and Yemen at various local venues. Hoor Arifi, a young Afghani peace activist currently studying at Bennington College, will join her. Please come to one or more of these events to learn about US involvement in current wars and to benefit from Kathy Kelly’s extensive experience as a peace activist. All of the events listed below are free and open to the public.
Thursday, February 21, 6:45 – 8:45 pm, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. Film: How to Change the World. (2015, 110 minutes), directed by Jerry Rothwell, is a documentary about Greenpeace. In 1971, a group of friends sail into a nuclear test zone, and their protest captures the world’s imagination. Using never before seen archive that brings their extraordinary world to life, How To Change The World is the story of the pioneers who founded Greenpeace and defined the modern green movement. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Information: 518-466-1192.
Saturday, February 23, noon, corner of Wolf Rd., and Central Avenue, Colonie, NY. Hands Off Venezuela demonstration/vigil. Local actions have been called in many US and Canadian cities and in a growing number of cities in Europe and other areas of the world. It has been announce that US ally Columbia will try to get “humanitarian” aid into Venezuela with the help of the US military. They will try to bring aid into the country through “humanitarian corridors” with the help of the US military. The question must be asked, if the US is so interested in the welfare of the Venezuelan people, why not end the sanctions? Venezuelan president Maduro calls this an act of war and is now arming 2.5 million Venezuelans to defend their country. It looks like there can be another war, but this one will not be halfway around the world, but close to home. Sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace and other local peace groups. Information or to Co-Sponsor: Joe at 518-281-1968
Monday, February 18, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Oppose Trump’s Fake Crisis and Racist Deportation of Immigrants” , at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar.
Please join us Monday, and stand against Trump’s racist wall. Donald Trump has declared a #FakeNationalEmergency—an illegal power grab from an unhinged man to push his racist, dangerous policies. We will reject Trump’s fake national emergency! The real emergency is his abuse of power! Please share far and wide! Possible sign messages: “Build Bridges, Not Walls!”, “#FakeNationalEmergency”, “Oppose Trump’s Fake Crisis”, “Stand Up Against Trump’s Fake Emergency!” Facebook Link Information: 518-466-1192
Thursday, February 7, 6:00 p.m., Albany Public Library, main branch, 161 Washington Ave., in the auditorium. Showing of the BBC film “Dead in the Water” about the Israeli attack on the American intelligence-gathering ship USS Liberty during the Six-Day War of 1967, an attack that killed 34 American servicemen and wounded 171. Liberty survivor Bryce Lockwood will be guest commentator. On June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War pitting Israel against neighboring Arab countries, after several hours of aerial surveillance, unmarked Israeli fighter jets attacked the American intelligence-gathering ship USS Liberty in international waters off the coast of Egypt, wave after wave bombing, strafing, and napalming it. This was followed by an assault by Israeli torpedo boats, blasting a massive hole in the hull of the ship and strafing lifeboats that were being lowered. Israel claimed it was a case of misidentification; it thought the ship was Egyptian, and the United States quickly accepted the story, following with only a perfunctory investigation that amounted to a whitewash. Admiral Thomas Moorer, chairmain of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, would later declare, “Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew,” and it was subjected to “an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history.” No thorough investigation has ever been done, and the event has all but disappeared from official memory. The BBC film makes the case that Israel was attempting to lure the United States into the war against Egypt, and that top American officials, including President Lyndon Johnson, knew full well the attack was not a mistake. Sponsors: Palestinian Rights of Committee (an affiliate of Upper Hudson Peace Action), Women Against War, Saratoga Peace Alliance, Adirondack Chapter of Veterans for Peace. Admission is Free. Information: Carl Strock [email protected] 518-587-9279
Monday, January 28, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, BNP Vigil: “Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela” , at the Four Corners, intersection of Kenwood and Delaware Aves. in Delmar.
Please join us Monday, Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela! The situationis Venezuela is getting very serious. The pro-U.S. opposition leader Juan Guaido has declared himself president, and President Trump has just recognized himas the legitimate president as opposed to the democratically elected Nicolás Maduro Moros. This is nothing less than a U.S.-sponsored coup -Washington’s idea of bringing “democracy” to a country that refuses to surrender to the U.S. goal of dominating the region. And Trump hasalready raised the possibility of invading Venezuela, as has the pro-U.S. head of the Organization of American States. “A Coup IsNot a Democratic Transition!” US Peace Activist Interrupts Pompeo Speech on Venezuela

Friday, January 18, 7:00 pm, Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy, NY. The James Connolly Forum: Endless War No More: Why a West Point Graduate Quit the Military. The James Connolly Forum- Spenser Rapone enlisted as an infantryman out of high school in 2010, and deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. After returning from his combat tour, he applied and was accepted into the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY in 2012, graduating and receiving his commission in May 2016. Deciding he could no longer stomach the immorality of US imperialism, he spoke out against the reprehensible actions of the military in September 2017. He ultimately resigned his commission, and was separated from the Army in June 2018 with an Other Than Honorable discharge. Spenser Rapone enlisted as an infantryman out of high school in 2010, and deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. After returning from his combat tour, he applied and was accepted into the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY in 2012, graduating and receiving his commission in May 2016. Deciding he could no longer stomach the immorality of US imperialism, he spoke out against the reprehensible actions of the military in September 2017. He ultimately resigned his commission, and was separated from the Army in June 2018 with an Other Than Honorable discharge. Co-Sponsored by: Bethlehem Neighbors For Peace and Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, Located Exit 9E off 787 Collar City Bridge for Rte 7: on left at 2nd light between 9th and 10th Sts. Parking on left on 9th St., Old Fire station building parking lot left on 10th Use the door facing Hoosick St., Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students more information: 518 407 3582

Wednesday, January 9, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Film- Citizen Clark: A Life of Principle, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. (2018, 95 minutes) is a documentary by Joseph C. Stillman. For the past fifty years, former U.S. Attorney General and Human Rights activist Ramsey Clark has challenged the abuses of U.S. power and championed numerous causes that have affected humanity. The examines his lifetime commitment to movements from Civil Rights, to U.S. wars, to incidents like the Parkland, Florida shooting. His perspective on our democratic principles and assessment of “American policies” that have affected our country and the world are discussed for future generations to utilize. As a participant who helped to write some of our country’s greatest legislation (The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 & 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 among others), Ramsey Clark’s life has been a steadfast example of a truth seeker on a mission to expose the facts. The film stars starring Martin Sheen, Frank Serpico and Ralph Nader.
Friday, January 4, 6:00 pm, Capital District Latinos, 160 Central Ave, Albany, NY, The Cuban Revolution at 60 YO: Challenges and Achievements. Gail Walker, Director Pastors for Peace, Co-Chair National Network on Cuba. Ms. Walker was one of the founders of Pastors for Peace in 1988, an organization that through its peace missions seeks to deliver material aid to support the victims of the so-called “low intensity” wars in Latin America and to campaign for a more just and moral US foreign policy in our hemisphere. Since their founding PFP has organized dozens of caravans, delegations and work brigades to Mexico, Central America and Cuba, with the participation tens of thousands of Americans. As Executive Director of Pastors for Peace, Gail Walker has repeatedly risked arrest and imprisonment to defy the illegal USA blockade against Cuba; to assert the right of Americans to travel freely to Cuba and to support the Cuban Revolution. As Co-Chair of the National Network on Cuba, Gail helps coordinate the efforts of groups such as Albany Cuba Solidarity in dozens of American and Canadian cities. Free and open to the public. Sponsors: Albany Cuba Solidarity, Socialist Workers Party, Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace. Facebook Link